Ph.D. Accounting, University of Georgia
M.B.A. Accounting, Indiana University
B.S. Accounting & Finance, Indiana University
Accounting for Income Taxes
Dr. Anne Ehinger is an assistant professor in the Department of Accounting at Florida State University’s College of Business. Her research primarily focuses on the informativeness of tax disclosures and corporate tax planning.
Ehinger earned her bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance from Indiana University, an MBA in accounting from Indiana University and a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Georgia.
“IRS enforcement and voluntary tax disclosure” with Joshua A. Lee, Bridget Stomberg, and Erin Towery – Forthcoming, Journal of the American Taxation Association.
“Enterprise risk management and corporate tax planning” with Evan Eastman and Jianren Xu – Forthcoming, Journal of Risk and Insurance.
“Tax-related mandatory risk factor disclosures, future profitability, and stock returns” with John L. Campbell, Mark Cecchini, Anna M. Cianci, and Edward M. Werner – 2019, Review of Accounting Studies, 24: 264-308.