Doctor of Engineering Sciences, and Diplomingenieur in Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Technical University of Graz, Austria
MS OR, Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio
Analysis, Design, and Operation of Purposeful Systems
Planning, Design, Operation and Maintenance of Systems of Transportation, Logistics, and “Smart Manufacturing;”
Environmental Regulation and Global Sustainability
Dr. Maximilian M. Etschmaier is a senior research scholar in the Department of Business Analytics, Information Systems and Supply Chain at Florida State University’s College of Business. His professional work is focused on the design, analysis and operation of complex systems in a wide variety of domains, including civil and military aviation, urban transportation, manufacturing and regulation concerning the environment and the security of voting machines. He has lead system design and process improvement ventures, advised business and public-sector clients on policy and strategy development and supported international technology transfer. His current work is focused on the development of a comprehensive theory of purposeful systems that is applicable to any domain and ultimately is leading to a transdisciplinary approach to global environmental, cultural, economic and social sustainability.
Prior to coming to FSU, Etschmaier was a professor of engineering at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Massachusetts Massachusetts. Other previous positions include serving as chairman of the Management Board of Joanneum Research, vice president of Systems and Control at Bricmont Associates (now Andritz Bricmont), head of Operations Research of Deutsche Lufthansa AG, senior scientist at the United Technologies Research Center, guest researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology, faculty fellow at Volpe USDOT Transportation Systems Center and visiting and research professorships at San Diego State University and the University of Graz and the University of Innsbruck.
Etschmaier received his master’s degree from Case Western University. His doctoral degree is in engineering sciences and diplom ingeniuer in industrial and management systems engineering from Graz University of Technology in Austria.
Critical Issues of Cybersecurity: Solutions Beyond the Technical, International Journal for Computers and their Application, Vol. 26, No. 4, Dec. 2019
Issues and Designs for Cybersecurity, (with K. Nygard) Guest Editor, International Journal for Computers and their Application, December 2019
A Purposeful Systems Design Approach for Cybersecurity, Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, EPIC Series in Computing, Volume 63, pages 90-100, 2019
Designing an Ethical System of Global Sustainability as a Purposeful System: GEBAT, Global Equity of the Burden Added Tax, The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, Vol. 14, issue 1, pp 17-35, 2018. doi:10.18848/2325-1166/CGP/v14i01/17-35.
On Humans, and Systems They Create, Guest Editorial, (with Kendall E. Nygard and Eugénio Oliveira), International Journal for Computers and their Application, pp 147-148, Vol. 24, No. 4, Dec. 2017.
Can Humans Stay in Control of Systems They Create? International Journal for Computers and their Application, pp 149-154, Vol. 24, No. 4, Dec. 2017.
Integrating Humans and Machines into Purposeful Systems that Keep the Human in Control, (with Gordon Lee), International Journal for Computers and their Application, pp 155-168, Vol. 24, No. 4, Dec. 2017.
Designing Secure Computer Systems as Purposeful Systems, International Journal for Computers and their Application, Vol. 23, No 2, June 2016
Defining the Paradigm of a Highly Automated System that Protects Against Human Failures and Terrorist Acts, and Application to Aircraft Systems, (with Gordon Lee), International Journal for Computers and their Application, Vol. 23, No. 1, March 2016
Purposeful Systems: A Conceptual Framework for System Design, Analysis, and Operation, International Journal for Computers and their Application, Vol. 22, No. 2, June 2015
Analysis, Design, and Operation of Purposeful Systems and the Qualities Required of a Designer: Preliminary Discussion, unpublished manuscript, revised version, January 2014
A Case for Adopting Principles-Based Regulation In The Next Revision Of The Voluntary Voting Systems Guidelines, Testimony to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, February 24, 2015
A Decision-Making System for Sustainability of Productive Enterprises: Basing Management Decision Making on the Condition of Assets, The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, 2014
A System of Systems Approach to the Design of a Landing Gear System: A Case Study (with Stuart Rubin and Gordon Lee), CAINE 2014, 27th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, New Orleans, October 2014
On the Use of SOMPA Core Modeling for Systems Design: A Case Study (with Stuart Rubin and Gordon Lee), IEEE World Automation Congress, Kona, Hawaii, August 2014
Voting Machines Can Be Reliable, Trustworthy and Affordable by Basing Regulation on a Total Systems Perspective, Comments in response to “Request for Substantive Comments on the EAC's Proposed Requirements for Version 1.1 of the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG),” January 8, 2013
Innovative Decision-Making Technology for Sustainable Competitiveness of US Productive Enterprises, White Paper for the NIST TIP Program, GME International Corporation, November 2009 http://www.nist.gov/tip/wp/pswp/upload/217_innovative_decision_making_technology_for_sustainable.pdf
Regulation of Voting Machines: Critical Issues for Formulating Reliability Requirements, White Paper for the NIST Voting Machines Project, GME International Corporation, August 2006
Environmental Policy and Regulation, and the Practice of Management: A Call for A Burden Added Tax, International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 2005
Optimization of Preventive Maintenance Program Cost, (with C.S Wang), Fourth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management 2003, Tainan, Taiwan
Environmental Policy and Regulation, and the Practice of Management, Proceedings, Second International Congress on Sustainable Development, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Columbia, September 18 - 20, 1997.
Opportunities for International Cooperation to Mitigate Emissions of Greenhouse Gases, (editor), Proceedings of the Austria - United States Conference, Vienna, December 5 - 7, 1994, Austrian Department of the Environment, Vienna, Austria, Volume 35, ISBN 3-901305-56-4, 1995.
The Logistics of Repairable Components, Verkehrsannalen (Journal of the Austrian Society for Transportation Sciences), Vol. 18, 1987.
Control in Transportation Systems, (editor, with R. Genser, T. Hasegawa, and H. Strobel,), and Chapter on Operational Planning and Control in Transportation Systems, Pergamon Press, ISBN 0-08033438-5, 1987.
Transit Bus Maintenance in the U.S.A., Transportation Research, Vol. 19 A, No. 1, 1985.
Systems Approach to Transit Bus Maintenance, (with G. Anagnostopoulos), Transportation Research Record, No. 994, 1985.
Airline Scheduling: An Overview, (with D.F.X. Mathaisel), Transportation Science, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1985.
Mission Oriented Maintenance for Military Aircraft and Implications for Public Transportation Fleet Maintenance, Transportation Research Record No. 958, 1984.
Institute for Engineering Leadership: Mission, Organization, and Doctor of Engineering Program, University of Lowell, Lowell, MA, 1984
Relationship between Automation and Economy under Consideration of the Human Factor, Plenary Address, Computaport 84, International Civil Airports Association, Tel Aviv, 1984.
A System for Planning Third Level Air Service, Invited Lecture, Conference on Third Level Air Service for Europe, sponsored by European Community and International Center for Transportation Studies, Amalfi, Italy, 1984.
RURALSIM: A Simulation Model for Designing and Evaluating Rural EMS Systems, with L. Shuman, H. Wolfe, J. Ames IV, and J. Sepulveda, in C. Tilquin (editor), Systems Science in Health Care, Toronto, Pergamon Press, 2:961-73 1981.
Fuzzy Controls for Maintenance Scheduling in Transportation Systems, Automatica, 1980. System for Planning Local Air Service, Transportation Research Record, No. 673, 1978.
Optimization Applied to Transportation Systems, (with R. Genser and H. Strobel, editors), and chapter on “A Survey of the Scheduling Methodology Used in Air Transportation,” Proceedings of a Conference sponsored by IFAC, IFIP, IFORS and International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), IIASA, Vienna 1977.
Operations Research in the Management of the Airlines, (with M. Rothstein), OMEGA, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1974.
Dr. Etschmaier is a native of Austria. He has participated in national and international scientific and professional organizations, serving in leadership positions, organizing and hosting meetings and sessions, and presenting and publishing numerous papers.
Organizations include: Austrian National Science Foundation; USDOT-Volpe Transportation Systems Center, Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS); Air Transportation International; International Society for Computers and their Application (ISCA); Transportation Research Board; International Society for Airline Operations Research (AGIFORS); South African National Science Foundation; Institute for Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE); International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC); International Center for Transportation Studies (ICTS); International Civil Airports Association; International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA).
Fulbright Scholar