Digital Marketing
Interactive Advertising
Customer Relationship Management
Dr. Charles Hofacker is the Dr. Persis E. Rockwood Professor of Marketing and a professor in the Dr. Persis E. Rockwood School of Marketing at Florida State University’s College of Business. His current research interests are at the intersection of marketing and information technology. His research has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Psychometrika, Management Science, Journal of Advertising Research and among other outlets.
Hofacker is the moderator of ELMAR, an electronic newsletter and community platform for academic marketing with more than 8,000 subscribers. He also was a former editor of the Journal of Interactive Marketing. He served as a visiting professor at Università Bocconi in Milan, Italy in 2001, 2007 and 2014.
Hofacker received bachelor’s degree in sociology and psychology from the Defiance College and his master’s degree in experimental psychology from California State University. His Ph.D. is in mathematical psychology from the University of California – Los Angeles
Libai, Barak, Yakov Bart, Sonja Gensler, Charles F. Hofacker, Andreas Kaplan, Kim Kötterheinrich, and Eike Benjamin Kroll (2020), "Brave New World? On AI and the Management of Customer Relationships," Journal of Interactive Marketing [doi: 10.1016/j.intmar.2020.04.002]..
Buhalis, Dimitrios, Vanja Bogicevic, Tracy Harwood, Giampaolo Viglia, Srikanth Beldona, and Charles F. Hofacker (in press), "Technological Disruptions in Services: Lessons from Tourism and Hospitality," Journal of Service Management, 30 (4), 484-506 [doi: 10.1108/JOSM-12-2018-0398].
Pagani, Margherita, Margot Racat, and Charles F. Hofacker (2019), "Adding Voice to the Omnichannel and How That Affects Brand Trust," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 48, 89-105 [doi: 10.1016/j.intmar.2019.05.002].
Hofacker, Charles F. (2019), "The Growing Importance of Software as a Driver of Value Exchange," Review of Marketing Research, 16, 85-95 [doi: 10.1108/S1548-64352019000001600].
Hofacker, Charles F., Ko de Ruyter, Nicholas Lurie, Puneet Manchanda and Jeff Donaldson (2016), "Gamification and Mobile Marketing Effectiveness," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 34, 25-36 [doi: 10.1016/j.intmar.2016.03.001].
Labrecque, Lauren I., Jonas vor dem Esche, Charla Mathwick, Thomas P. Novak and Charles F. Hofacker (2013), “Consumer Power: Evolution in the Digital Age,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27(4), 257-269, [doi:10.1016/j.intmar.2013.09.002].
Varan, Duane, Jamie Murphy, Charles F. Hofacker, Jenny Robinson, Rob Potter and Steven Bellman (2013), “What Works Best When Combining Television sets, PCs, Tablets, or Mobile Phones? How Synergies across Devices Result from Cross-Device Effects and Cross-Format Synergies”, Journal of Advertising Research, 53(2), 212-220, [doi:10.2501/JAR-53-2-212-220].
Pagani, Margherita, Ronald E. Goldsmith and Charles F. Hofacker (2011), "The Influence of Personality on Active and Passive Use of Social Networking Sites," Psychology & Marketing, 28(5), 441-456 [DOI 10.1002/mar.20395].
Spent many years racing bicycles in the US and Europe