Ph.D., General Management, Western University
M.A.Sc., Management Science, University of Waterloo
B.A.Sc., Chemical Engineering (Sociology Minor), University of Waterloo
Organizational Learning
Advanced Technologies
Social Influencers
Dr. David Maslach is an associate professor in the Department of Management at Florida State University’s College of Business. Maslach studies how firms innovate and learn from failure. His primary research interests are theories of organizational learning and organizational decision-making. He and his colleagues have dabbled in a variety of fields, including medical technology, Formula 1 racing, software development, content creators and the sharing economy. While he employs a variety of methodologies, he specializes in large sample datasets and online experimentation. He has taught strategy, organizational theory, research methods, and innovation and entrepreneurship courses at the undergraduate, MBA and doctoral levels. He is currently on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Review, Organization Science and Strategic Organization; is the secretary of the Academy of Management's Strategy Division; and the cofounder with Jerker Denrell; and co-organizer with Daniella Laureiro-Martnez, Özgecan Koçak, Scott Turner of the Carnegie School of Organizational Learning Conference. He has published in several outlets, such as the Harvard Business Review, Management Science, Organization Science, R&D Management and Strategic Management Journal.
Prior to receiving his Ph.D. in strategy from Western University's Ivey School of Business, he earned degrees in chemical engineering and management science from the University of Waterloo, as well as held non-academic positions in scientific programming and public policy. Maslach has also founded three organizations, all of which have had varying degrees of success. His current passion project is the creation of a writing feedback platform, www.r3ciprocity.com, for researchers, which offers solutions and hope to researchers all over the world. R3ciprocity also functions as an online field experiment platform. As part of this project, he is a social influencer who discusses research, innovation and strategy. Millions of people have been touched by the R3ciprocity Project across all platforms.
Denrell, J. Liu, C, and Maslach, D. 2022. "Underdogs and One-hit Wonders: When is Overcoming Adversity Impressive?" Forthcoming, Management Science.
Lamont, B., King, D., Maslach, D., M. Schwerdtfeger, and J. Tienari. 2018. "Integration Capacity and Knowledge-Based Acquisition Performance" R&D Management. 49(1): 103-114.
Maslach, D., O. Branzei, C. Rerup, and M. Zbaracki. 2018. "Noise as a signal in learning from rare events." Organization Science. 29(2): 225-246. https://doi.org/10.1287/orsc.2017.1179
Desai, V., P. Madsen, D. Maslach. 2017. "Organizational learning from failure: Present theory and future inspirational inquiries." Handbook of Group and Organizational Learning. Ed. L. Argote and J. Levine. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Maslach, D. 2016. "Change and persistence with failed technological innovation." Strategic Management Journal, (37) 4: 714-723.
Bhandary, A. and D. Maslach. 2016. "Organizational memory." The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. Ed. M. Augier and D. Teece. London, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.
Maslach, D., C., Madsen, P., and V. Desai, C. Liu. 2015. "The robust beauty of "Little Ideas": Comments on the Past and Future of A Behavioral Theory of the Firm. Journal of Management Inquiry. 24(3): 318-320.
Liu, Chengwei, David Maslach, Vinit Desai, and Peter Madsen. 2015. "The first 50 years and the next 50 years of A Behavioral Theory of the Firm: An interview with James G. March." Journal of Management Inquiry. 242(2): 149-155.
Professor Maslach grew up in Northern Canada on a diet of venison, moose and other game. Now that he lives in Florida with his wife (Lyndsey), two sons (Jack and Andrew), and two wild dogs (Maddie and Carlie), he has grown to love gator and crawfish!
- FSU College of Business Core Values Award (“for excellence, integrity, respect, leadership and/or innovation”)
- 6 Academy of Management Outstanding Reviewer Awards, BPS Division
- Finalist for OMT Best Symposium, Academy of Management
- Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship