J.D., Northwestern University School of Law
B.S. Economics, NYU Stern
Patents & Trademarks
Innovation Policies and Regulation
Legal Strategy
David Orozco is the Bank of America Professor of Business Administration in the Department of Risk Management/Insurance, Real Estate and Legal Studies at Florida State University’s College of Business. He teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and he served as the director of the college’s MBA Program for two years. His research examines legal strategy, compliance law and the managerial, strategic and ethical uses of intellectual property rights. He is also the coauthor of a textbook published by McGraw-Hill titled: Business Law and Strategy.
Orozco is a recipient of FSU College of Business Emerging Scholar Award, Graduate Teaching Award and a Core Values Award. He also is a recipient of the FSU Guardian of the Flame Award.
Orozco received his bachelor’s degree in economics from New York University and his law degree from Northwestern University.
Orozco, D., “Open Innovation Stakeholders: Developing a Sustainable Paradigm to Integrate Intellectual Property and Corporate Social Responsibility”, American Business Law Journal (forthcoming 2024).
Orozco, D. “Strategically Astute Contracting: The Ticketmaster Case Study”, Business Horizons, (2021)
Orozco, D., "Compliance by Fire Alarm: Regulatory Oversight Through Information Feedback Loops", Journal of Corporation Law (2020)
Orozco, D., “A Systems Theory of Compliance Law”, 21(4) University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law (2020)
Orozco, D., “Assessing the Efficacy of the Bayh-Dole Act Through the Lens of University Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs)”, 21 North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology (October 2019)
Orozco D., “The Evolution of an Interdisciplinary Course: Intellectual Property and Business Strategy”, 19(2) Technology and Innovation – Journal of the National Academy of Inventors (2017)
Orozco D., “Strategic Legal Bullying” 13(1) NYU Journal of Law & Business (Fall 2016)
Orozco, D., “The Use of Legal Crowdsourcing (“Lawsourcing”) to Achieve Legal, Regulatory and Policy Objectives” 53(1) American Business Law Journal (Spring 2016)
Orozco, D., “Using Social Media in Business Disputes, 57 MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter 2015)
Jason M. Gordon and Orozco, D., “Trust and Control: The Value Effect of Venture Capital Term Sheet Provisions as Risk Allocation Tools”, 4 University of Michigan Business & Entrepreneurial Law Review (2015)
Bird, R. and Orozco D., “Finding the Right Corporate Legal Strategy” 56 MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall 2014)
Orozco, D., & Poonamallee, L., "The Role of Ethics in the Commercialization of Indigenous Knowledge", Journal of Business Ethics (2013).
Orozco, D., "Amending the Economic Espionage Act to Require the Disclosure of National Security-Related Technology Thefts", 62 Catholic University Law Review (forthcoming 2013).
Orozco, D., "Administrative Patent Levers in the Software, Biotechnology and Clean Technology Industries", 9 Journal of Law, Economics and Policy (forthcoming 2013).
Orozco, D., "Administrative Patent Levers", 117 Penn State Law Review (2012).
Bishara, N.D. & Orozco, D., "Using the Resource-Based Theory to Assess Covenant not to Compete Legitimacy", 87 Indiana Law Journal (2012). Reprinted in Karen B. Tripp (ed.) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW REVIEW (forthcoming 2013) (an annual anthology of the best intellectual property law review articles)
Orozco, D., & Conley, J.G., "Friends of the Court: Using Amicus Briefs to Identify Corporate Advocacy Positions in Supreme Court Patent Litigation", 2011 The University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy, No.1 (2011).
Orozco, D., "Legal Knowledge as an Intellectual Property Management Resource", 47 The American Business Law Journal, No. 4 (Winter 2010).
Orozco, D., "Rational Design Rights Ignorance", 46 The American Business Law Journal, No. 4 (Winter 2009).
Mishra, S., Krasnikov, A., & Orozco, D., "Evaluating The Financial Impact of Branding Using Trademarks: A Framework and Empirical Evidence", 73 (6) The Journal of Marketing (2009).
Orozco, D., "Will India and China Profit from Technological Innovation?", 5 Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, No. 3 (2007).
In his spare time, Professor Orozco enjoys sailing, playing the ukulele, reading, card games, tennis, ceramics and cooking. Orozco also enjoys traveling and has visited: Andorra, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina, The Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Spain, France, Germany, U.K., Italy, Czech Republic, Greece, Austria, Switzerland, Thailand, Morocco, The Netherlands and Guyana. Orozco is fluent in English and Spanish, and proficient in French.
- Editor-in-Chief, American Business Law Journal
- Thomas Edison Innovation Research Fellowship awarded by George Mason Scalia School of Law
- Florida State University Core Values Award
- Florida State University Burning Spear Award
- Leonardo Da Vinci Research Fellowship awarded by George Mason University School of Law
- Holmes Cardozo Legal Studies Research Award Finalist
- Recipient of a National Science Foundation Research Grant