Ph.D., University of Georgia
M.B.A., Valdosta State University
B.B.A., Valdosta State University
Real Estate Finance
Real Estate Investment
Housing Demand
Dr. G. Stacy Sirmans is the J. Harold and Barbara M. Chastain Eminent Scholar of Real Estate in the Department of Risk Management/Insurance, Real Estate and Legal Studies at Florida State University’s College of Business. He also serves as Academic Director of the FSU Real Estate Center. His areas of teaching include financial management, investments, real estate principles, real estate investments, real estate finance, small business finance and small business financial management.
Sirman’s areas of research interest include real estate finance (mortgage markets), real estate investments, investment analysis and financial management. He has published extensively in the real estate and finance areas on a variety of topics and has been involved in numerous research projects for various agencies. His research has appeared in various media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, Business Week, USA Today, Kiplinger Magazine, New York Times, L.A. Times, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald and numerous other major news outlets.
In the 1980s, Sirmans served as a visiting scholar to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in Washington, D.C. He is currently president of the American Real Estate Society and has served on the board of directors of the American Real Estate Society and the Southern Finance Association. He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Journal of Real Estate Research, Journal of Housing Research, Journal of Real Estate Literature and Seniors Housing and Care Journal. He is also chairman of the Board of Directors of the FSU Credit Union.
Prior to coming to FSU, he taught at Emory University and Clemson University.
Sirmans received his bachelor’s degree in management and MBA from Valdosta State University. His Ph.D. in finance with a minor in real estate is from the University of Georgia.
Letdin, G. Stacy Sirmans, Greg T. Smersh, and Tingyu Zhou (2023), “The Role of Tenant Characteristics in Retail Cap Rate Variation,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11146-023-09958-91 3
Mariya Letdin, C. Stace Sirmans, and G. Stacy Sirmans (2023), “Agree to Disagree: NAV Dispersion in REITs,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, forthcoming.
Mariya Letdin, C. Stace Sirmans, and G. Stacy Sirmans (2022), “Spread Too Thin: REIT Asset Dispersion and Divergence of Opinion,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11146-022-09920-1
Mariya Letdin, C. Stace Sirmans, and G. Stacy Sirmans (2022), “Betting Against the Sentiment in REIT NAV Premiums,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 64 (4).
Randy Dumm, Charles Nyce, Stacy Sirmans, and Greg Smersh (2022), “Pricing Moral Hazard in Residential Properties: The Impact of Sinkhole Claims on House Prices,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 64 (1).
Justin Benefield, C. Stace Sirmans, and G. Stacy Sirmans (2019), “Virtual Tours and Observable Agent Effort in Residential Real Estate Transactions,” Journal of Real Estate Research, 41 (1).
Tim Jones, Dean Gatzlaff, and G. Stacy Sirmans (2016), “Housing Market Dynamics: Disequilibrium, Mortgage Default, and Reverse Mortgages,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 53 (3).
Randy Dumm, Greg Smersh, and G. Stacy Sirmans (2016), “Price Variation in Waterfront Properties over the Economic Cycle,” Journal of Real Estate Research, Vol. 38, No.1.
Charles Nyce, Randy Dumm, Greg Smersh, and G. Stacy Sirmans (2015), “The Capitalization of Homeowners' Insurance Premiums in House Prices,” Journal of Risk and Insurance, 82 (4).
Randy E. Dumm, G. Stacy Sirmans, and Greg T. Smersh (2012), "Building Codes, Wind Contours, and House Prices," Journal of Real Estate Research, 34(1).
Joachim Zietz, G. Stacy Sirmans, and Emily N. Zietz (2008), "Determinants of House Prices: A Quantile Regression Approach," Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 37(4).
G. Stacy Sirmans, Lynn MacDonald, David A. Macpherson, and Emily N. Zietz (2006), "The Value of Housing Characteristics: A Meta Analysis," Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 33.
G. Stacy Sirmans and C.F. Sirmans (1987), "The Historical Perspective of Real Estate Returns," Journal of Portfolio Management, 13(3).
G. Stacy Sirmans, Stanley D. Smith, and C.F. Sirmans (1983), "Assumption Financing and Selling Price of Single-Family Homes," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 18(3).
Terrence M. Clauretie and G. Stacy Sirmans (2014). Real Estate Finance Theory and Practice, 7th Edition. Mason, Ohio: OnCourse Learning.
Terrence M. Clauretie and G. Stacy Sirmans (2002). Learning Real Estate Finance. Mason, Ohio: OnCourse Learning.
Dr. Sirmans grew up on a farm in South Georgia. He developed an interest in music at an early age and supported himself in high school and college by playing music in rock and roll bands. Today, in his spare time, he continues to enjoy playing music and spending time with his family.
- FSU College of Business 2023 Distinguished Faculty Research Award
- Pulsenomics Crystal Ball Award (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)
- Ten American Real Estate Society Best Paper Awards
- Quoted in the October 30, 2020, Wall Street Journal article by Beth DeCarbo entitled “The Emerald Coast is Seeing Green”
- FSU College of Business 2019 Outstanding Senior Faculty Research Award
- American Real Estate Society 2019 Service Award
- David Ricardo Medal, American Real Estate Society, 2017
- American Real Estate Society 2014 Theron R. Nelson Presidential Award
- FSU College of Business 2012 Core Values Award
- Best Paper Published in the Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, American Real Estate Society (2002)
- Best Paper Published in the Journal of Real Estate Research, American Real Estate Society, 1998
- Best Paper Published in the Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, American Real Estate Society, 1996
- First Place, AREUEA/Lincoln Land Institute Dissertation Competition, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association and Lincoln Land Institute, 1980