Ph.D., Business Administration, Marketing, Ohio State University, 1981
MBA, University of Dayton, 1976
B.S., Marketing, Wright State University, 1974
Quality, Value, Satisfaction, and Outcomes conceptualization, measurement, and strategies and Sports Marketing
Dr. J. Joseph “Joe” Cronin is the John R. Kerr Eminent Scholar of Marketing and Service Innovation in the Dr. Persis E. Rockwood School of Marketing at Florida State University’s College of Business. Cronin is recognized worldwide as a leading service marketing scholar, particularly in the conceptualization and measurement of service quality, service value and customer satisfaction.
His article citations exceed 49,000, and in 2016, he was honored at the 100th Anniversary of Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business as the No. 1 most cited graduate of the Department of Marketing and Logistics Ph.D. Program. His co-authored 1992 Journal of Marketing article, related to the measurement of service quality, has been noted as the second most cited of all articles published in the Journal of Marketing over the last 25 years. Two other co-authored Journal of Marketing articles from 1994 and 2001 are also highly cited, and a fourth was published in 2016. A 2000 article he co-authored that contrasts the effects of service quality, service value and customer satisfaction is currently listed as one of the five most frequently downloaded Journal of Retailing article. A 2005 Journal of Retailing article that extends this research is also among the journals most frequently downloaded papers. A 2009 co-authored Journal of Service Research article was a runner-up for the journal’s annual Best Article Award.
Cronin’s research also has been published the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Services Research, Strategic Management Journal, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising, International Journal of Operations & Production Management and other marketing journals. He serves as an associate editor of the Journal of Services Marketing and the Journal of Business Research. Cronin currently, or has, served on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Services Research, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Business Research, Managing Service Quality, Health Marketing Quarterly Health Marketing Quarterly and the Journal of Management Research. He has chaired 17 dissertations at FSU, placing his graduates at such schools as Cornell University, Michigan State University, Boston College, Auburn University and Texas Tech University.
Cronin has consulted with and/or conducted executive education sessions for AT&T, Southwest Bell, Delta Airlines, MARTA, Knoxville Area Transit, the U.S. Army MWR Command, the U.S. Navy MWR Command, the U.S. Air Force MWR Command, Lazarus Department Stores, Max & Erma Restaurants, Florida Department of Transportation, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Florida Chamber of Commerce, Florida Festival & Events Association, Greater Miami Festival & Events Association and a wide variety of other organizations. Specifically, his transportation-related research has focused on issues related to the effectiveness (return on investment) of public transportation and the process by which the public evaluates their transportation alternatives. More recently, Cronin’s research has evolved to include issues related to the sustainability of firm marketing strategies. Cronin also frequent serves as an expert witness in eminent domain and business practices cases.
Prior to his academic career, Cronin was a customer service manager in the flexible package industry.
Cronin received his bachelor’s degree in marketing from Wright State University and an MBA from the University of Dayton. His Ph.D. is in business administration with a major in marketing and minor in logistics from Ohio State University.
Mark R. Gleim, Jeff Smith, Demetra Andrews, and J. Joseph Cronin, Jr. (2013), "Against the Green: A Multi-method Examination of the Barriers to Green Consumption," Journal of Retailing, 89 (1), 44-61.
Michael K. Brady, J. Joseph Cronin, Jr., Michelle L. Roehm, and Gavin L. Fox (2008), "Strategies to Offset Performance Failures: The Role of Brand Equity," Journal of Retailing, 84 (2), 151-164.
J. Joseph Cronin, Jr., Clay M. Voorhees, and Brian Bourdeau (2007), "Modeling Service Alliances: An Exploratory Investigation of Spillover Effects in Service Partnerships," Strategic Management Journal, 28 (June), 609-622.
Michael K. Brady and J. Joseph Cronin, Jr. (2001), "Some New Thoughts on Perceived Service Quality: A Hierarchical Approach," Journal of Marketing, 65 (July), 34-49
J. Joseph Cronin, Jr. and Steven A. Taylor (1994), "Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and Extension," Journal of Marketing, 58 (January, 125-131.
J. Joseph Cronin, Jr. and Steven A. Taylor (1992), "SERVQUAL versus SERVPERF: Reconciling Performance Based and Perceptions-Minus-Expectations Measurement of Service Quality," Journal of Marketing, 56 (July), 55-68.