B.A. Liberal Arts, University of Tennessee
Grant Writing & Proposal Development
Contract & Project Management
Marketing Strategy & Communication Design
Transportation Demand Management Marketing
Jeff Horton serves as the managing director for the Carl DeSantis Executive Education Center at Florida State University’s College of Business. In this role, he is responsible for the management of the center’s various executive education programs and extended endeavors such as the Business of Healthcare Summit. This includes scope development, curriculum design, communications and financial management. Horton also works with College of Business faculty members in the solicitation and subsequent management of sponsored research projects. Previously, he served as program director for the Institute for Applied Business Research, where he served as principal investigator on a variety of externally-funded research, instruction and service development projects, primarily in the field of transportation demand management, where he chaired several regional and international conferences and was widely recognized for his industry contributions. In addition to his role as program director, Horton helped establish the College of Business Student Consulting Group and served as its first advisor.
Horton fills his spare time with numerous volunteer commitments for nonprofit groups. He also spends a great deal of time in the great outdoors, hiking or kayaking the many trails and streams in and around Tallahassee and his home state of Tennessee, where he has developed a passion for botanical and wildlife stewardship.
Southeast Chapter of the Association for Commuter Transportation President's Award (1997 and 2011)