DBA, Kennesaw State University
MBA, Western Michigan University
BA, Alma College
Marketing Research and Strategy
New Product Development
Entrepreneurship and Family Business
Dr. Keith Ferguson is an associate lecturer and entrepreneur-in-residence in the Dr. Persis E. Rockwood School of Marketing at Florida State University's College of Business, where he teaches at both the undergraduate and master's levels. Feguson’s courses cover innovation, marketing strategy and marketing research. His research interests include innovation, entrepreneurship, family business and sustainable product consumer behavior. Ferguson also serves as a faculty advisor for Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity and the Fast Action Shooting Club. Both are registered student organizations at FSU. Ferguson also teaches as an adjunct at Michigan State University in their Master’s in Customer Experience Management and Master’s in Management, Strategy and Leadership programs.
Prior to coming to Florida State, Ferguson taught full-time at Michigan State University and Grand Rapids Community College. He also taught part-time as an adjunct in master’s programs at Western Michigan University and Aquinas College. Beyond teaching, his background includes being a serial entrepreneur, having owned seven businesses since 1988, and working in medical sales for four years.
Ferguson earned his Bachelor of Arts from Alma College, an MBA from Western Michigan University and a DBA from Kennesaw State University.
Ferguson, K.E., and Jackson, J.L. (2022). Using Invitational Theory and Practice as a Framework for Optimizing Marketing Education. The Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice, 28, 31-44.
Binz-Astrachan, C., Ferguson, K.E., Pieper, T. and Astrachan, J. (2017). Family business goals, corporate citizenship behavior and firm performance: Disentangling the connections. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 16 (1-2), 34-56.
Ferguson, K.E., Hair, J.F., Silva, R.V., Oliveira-Brochado, A., and Mollah, M.M. (2017). Consumer perceptions of sustainability: An exploratory study. International Journal of Business, Marketing, and Business Decisions, 10 (1), 1-9.
Smith, D.R., Hair, J.F., and Ferguson, K. (2014). An investigation of the effect of family influence on Commitment-Trust in retailer-vendor strategic partnerships. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5 (3), 252-263.
Hopkins, L., and Ferguson, K.E. (2014). Looking forward: The role of multiple regression in family business research. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5 (1), 52-62.
Ferguson, K.E., Ingram, M. and Sztykiel, J., (2023) (2nd Edition). Contemporary Product Development: A Focus on Innovation. Cognella, San Diego, CA.
Ferguson, K.E. (2023) Introduction to Entrepreneurship: An Applied and Theoretical Approach. Cognella, San Diego, CA.
Book Chapter
Ferguson, K.E. and Hopkins, L. (2019). The Great Facilitator. Reflections on the Contribution of Joseph F. Hair Jr. to Marketing and Business Research. Springer, Switzerland, AG.
Case Study
Elsworth, J., Ferguson, K.E., Kirca, A., Miller, J., and Yidiz, H. (2020). The Home Depot: A digital transformation for customer experience. Ivey Publishing.
2022 Florida State University Teaching Award in the Major (Undergraduate)
A university wide award recognizing only three professors per year for their teaching excellence.
2021 Outstanding Specialized Faculty Teaching Award
Recognized for outstanding teaching, difficulty of classes and student success as determined by GPA.
2019 Direct Selling Foundation Fellow
The DSEF's goal is to educate and teach students how to use direct sales as a go-to-market strategy and to increase their understanding of how it increases awareness of channel members while providing opportunities.
2017 Broad Integrative Fellow
The BIF program has been created to develop more integrative thinking and teaching among the Broad College Faculty with the long-term objective of enhancing the college's teaching and learning culture, while increasing connections with key corporate partners.
Best Paper: Management Session
Academy of Business Research, Spring 2011, New Orleans, LA.
Academic Service-Learning Distinguished Faculty
Grand Rapids Community College
Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society
Western Michigan University and Kennesaw State University Chapters
Runner-Up Top MBA Marketing Student
Western Michigan University, 2010