Ph.D., University of Missouri - Columbia (1999)
MAcc, University of Missouri - Columbia (1992)
B.S., Accounting, Arkansas State University (1988)
Auditing and Financial Capital Markets
Accounting Information Systems
Auditors' Role in Capital Markets
Dr. Kenny Reynolds is an associate professor in the Department of Accounting at Florida State University’s College of Business. He has taught auditing at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels; accounting information systems at the undergraduate and graduate levels; and financial accounting at the undergraduate level. His professional and academic background and interests are primarily in the fields of auditing and financial capital markets. He has a secondary interest in accounting information systems, especially as they relate to audit issues. His publications are predominantly in the area of capital markets, with particular emphasis on the auditor's role in capital markets.
His teaching experience includes Louisiana State University and Indiana University. Prior to his academic career, he worked professionally for Deloitte & Touche and Kruse & Associates, P.C.
Reynolds received his bachelor’s degree in accounting from Arkansas State University and his master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Missouri.
The Pricing of Realized Tax Benefits from NOL Carryforwards: Effect of Income Statement Presentation. With T.J. Atwood. Journal of the American Taxation Association (JATA), vol. 30 (1). Spring 2008, pp. 1-27. This paper won the award for outstanding paper in the journal for the year.
Toward an Expanded Control Environment Framework. With K.E. Hughes II and T. Louwers. Journal of Forensic Accounting, vol. 9 (2008), pp. 115-128.
Retail Online Assurances: Typology Development and Empirical Analysis. With T. Arnold and T. Landry. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Fall 2007, vol. 15 (4).
Caroline's Candy Shop: An In-Class Role-play of the Revenue Cycle. With D. Hayes. Journal of Information Systems, Spring 2005, vol. 19 (1).
Professional Service Fees and Auditor Objectivity. With Donald Deis and Jere Francis. Auditing, a Journal of Practice and Theory, March 2004.
- Notable Contribution to the Literature, American Accounting Association, 2010
- Outstanding paper in JATA, 2008-2009
- Outstanding education paper, AAA Information Systems Conference, 2004
- Recipient of the U.J. LeGrange Endowed Professorship of Accounting, Fall 2003
- Participant in the American Accounting Association Trueblood Seminar, February 2001
- Outstanding Research Faculty Award, Louisiana State University Accounting Department, 2000-2001
- Best Newsletter Award, Small Chapter North America, Information Systems Audit and Control Association, 2000
- Participant in the American Accounting Association New Faculty Consortium, 2000
- Participant in the American Accounting Association Doctoral Consortium, summer 1997
- Superior Graduate Achievement Award, academic years 1997-98 and 1996-97
- Kenneth Dimitri Memorial Scholarship in Accounting, academic years 1997-98 and 1996-97
- Donald Anderson Graduate Student Teaching Award, academic year 1995-96