Ph.D., Business Administration, Michigan State University
M.A. Accounting, Ball State University
B.S. Industrial Management and Engineering, Purdue University
Strategic sourcing
Supply chain risk
Global sourcing
Technology applications
Talent management
Dr. Larry C. Giunipero is a professor of supply chain management in the Department of Business Analytics, Information Systems and Supply Chain at Florida State University’s College of Business. His primary research, teaching and consulting interests are in the area of supply management. He has published more than 55 articles in various academic journals, such as the Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, MIT-Sloan Management Review, Industrial Marketing Management, Decision Sciences and The International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. Giunipero is a recipient of the FSU College of Business Graduate Teaching Award, the FSU Transformation Through Teaching Award and the Institute for Supply Management – Greater Boston, Inc.’s Harry J. Graham Memorial Award for his service to the profession. He also was named the best associate editor by the Journal of Supply Chain Management.
Giunipero holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial management and engineering from Purdue University, a master’s degree in accounting from Ball State University and a Ph.D. in business administration from Michigan State University. He also is a Certified Professional Services Marketer (CPSM), Certified Professional in Supplier Diversity (CPSD) and Certified Purchasing Manager (CPM).
Giunipero, L., Bitner, S., Shanks, I., & Cho, M. “Analyzing the Sourcing Literature: Over Two Decades of Research”, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 25:5, pp. 1-14, 2019.
Eltantawy, R., Pulraj, A., Giunipero, L. & Naslund, D., “Towards Supply Chain Coordination and Productivity in a Three Echelon Supply Chain: Action Research Study”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 35:6, pp.895-924, 2015.
Eltantawy, R., Giunipero, L. and Handfield, R. “Strategic Sourcing Management’s Mindset: Strategic Sourcing Orientation and Its Implications”, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 44:10, pp. 768-795, 2014.
Giunipero, Fiesel, & Hartmann, "The Importance of the Human Aspect in the Supply Function: Strategies for Developing PSM Proficiency", Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management,17:1, pp. 54-67, 2011.
Giunipero, Eltantawy and Fox, "A Strategic Skill Based Model of Supplier Integration and its Effect on Supply Management Performance," Industrial Marketing Management, 38, pp. 925-936.
Giunipero, Hooker, Joseph, Yoon, and Brudvig "A Decade of SCM Literature: Past, Present, and Future Implications," Journal of Supply Chain Management, 44:4, October, 2008, pp.68-88.
Giunipero, Pearcy and Wilson, "A Model of Relational Governance in Reverse Auctions", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 43:1, Winter 2007, pp. 4-15.
Giunipero, Hult, Hurley, and Nichols, "Organizational Learning in Global Purchasing: A Model and Test of Internal Users and Corporate Buyers," Decision Sciences, 31:2, pp. 293-325, 2000.