Ph.D., Florida State University
MBA, Jacksonville University
B.S., Marketing, Florida State University
Frontline service transactions
Customer satisfaction
Service employees
Michael ("Mike") Brady is the assistant provost for Florida State University and the Dr. Persis E. Rockwood Professor of Marketing in the Dr. Persis E. Rockwood School of Marketing at Florida State University's College of Business. He is also an affiliated faculty member or honorary professor at the University of Maryland; Arizona State University; the University of Washington; the University of Queensland, Australia; Karlstad University, Sweden; and UIBE, China. Brady's primary research interest lies at the intersection of customers and employees in frontline service transactions. Additionally, he serves as a faculty athletics representative for the university.
He has published articles in many top scholarly journals, including Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, and many other outlets. His research articles have been cited more than 27,000 times to date, with his 2000 article in the Journal of Retailing being one of the most downloaded articles of all time in Science Direct and his 2001 article in Journal of Marketing ranked the fifth most influential article for future research in services marketing.
Brady's work has also been covered in the popular press, such as MSNBC, U.S. News, the Chicago Tribune, CNN and Tampa Bay Times. He has won numerous awards, including the Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions to the Service Discipline Award; the SERVSIG Best Article Award; the M. Wayne Delozier, Robert Johnston and Steven J. Shaw research awards; the Academy of Marketing Science and Florida State University outstanding teacher awards; the inaugural College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award; several outstanding reviewer awards; the Florida State University Graduate Student Mentoring Award; and the William R. Jones Award for mentoring minority doctoral students.
Brady is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Marketing Association (AMA), past president of the AMA Academic Council and Area Editor for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. He is the immediate past Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Service Research, which has one of the highest impact factors among all business journals.
Andrew E. Wilson, Michael D. Giebelhausen, and Michael K. Brady (2017), “Negative Word of Mouth Can Be a Positive for Consumers Connected to the Brand,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45 (4), 534-547.
Stacey G. Robinson, Michael K. Brady, Katherine N. Lemon, and Michael D. Giebelhausen (2016), “Less of This One? I'll Take It: New Insights on the Influence of Shelf-Based Scarcity,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33 (4), 961-965.
Peter R. Darke, Michael K. Brady, Ray L. Benedicktus, and Andrew E. Wilson (2016), “Feeling Close from Afar: Effects of Psychological Distance in Offsetting Distrust in Unfamiliar Online Retailers,” Journal of Retailing, 92 (3), 287-299.
Clay M. Voorhees, Michael K. Brady, Roger Calantone, and Edward Ramirez (2016), “Discriminant Validity Testing in Marketing: An Analysis, Causes for Concern, and Proposed Remedies,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44 (1), 119-134.
Kelly O. Cowart and Michael K. Brady (2014), “Pleasantly Plump: Offsetting Negative Obesity Stereotypes for Frontline Service Employees,” Journal of Retailing, 90 (3), 365-378.
Michael Giebelhausen, Stacey G. Robinson, Nancy J. Sirianni, and Michael K. Brady (2014), "Touch vs. Tech: When Technology Functions as a Barrier or a Benefit to Service Encounters," Journal of Marketing, 78 (4), 113-124.
Sara Leroi-Werelds, Sandra Streukens, Michael K. Brady, and Gilbert Swinnen (2014), "Assessing the Value of Commonly Used Methods for Measuring Customer Value: A Multi-Setting Empirical Study," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42 (4), 430-451.
Michael K. Brady, Clay M. Voorhees, and Michael J. Brusco (2012), "Service Sweethearting: Its Antecedents and Customer Consequences," Journal of Marketing, 76 (2), 81-98.
Ray L. Benedicktus, Michael K. Brady, Peter R. Darke, and Clay M. Voorhees (2010), "Conveying Trustworthiness to Online Consumers: Reactions to Consensus, Physical Store Presence, Brand Familiarity, and Generalized Suspicion," Journal of Retailing, 86 (4), 310-323.
Janet McColl-Kennedy, Paul G. Patterson, Amy K. Smith, and Michael K. Brady (2009), "Customer Rage Episodes: Emotions, Expressions and Behaviors," Journal of Retailing, 85 (2), 222-237.
Michael K. Brady, J. Joseph Cronin Jr., Gavin L. Fox, and Michelle L. Roehm (2008), "Strategies to Offset Performance Failures: The Role of Brand Equity," Journal of Retailing, 84 (June), 151-164.
Michelle L. Roehm and Michael K. Brady (2007), "Consumer Responses to Performance Failures by High-Equity Brands," Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (December), 537-545.
Michael K. Brady and J. Joseph Cronin, Jr. (2001), "Some New Thoughts on Conceptualizing Perceived Service Quality: A Hierarchical Approach," Journal of Marketing, 65 (July) 34-49.
Mike is originally from Jacksonville, Florida. He and his wife, MJ, have two children, Jack and Mary Kate. Mike played four years of baseball at Florida State and then played several years of professional baseball in the Los Angeles Dodgers organization. His father, Jim Brady, is the former president of Jacksonville University and played in the major leagues for the Detroit Tigers.
- Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions to the Service Discipline Award
- FSU College of Business Distinguished (Lifetime) Teaching Award
- Robert Johnston Outstanding Paper Award
- SERVSIG Best Services Article Award
- University Online Teaching Award, Florida State University, 2014-2015
- The Academy of Marketing Science Outstanding Teacher Award
- University Teaching Award, Florida State University
- University Graduate Student Mentoring Award, Florida State University
- William R. Jones Award for Mentoring Minority Doctoral Students