Ph.D., Florida State University, 1990
MBA, Florida State University, 1986
BBA, Florida Atlantic University, 1985
A.A., Broward Community College, 1982
Linear ordering
Dr. Michael Brusco is the Haywood & Betty Taylor Eminent Scholar in Business Administration and a professor in the Department of Business Analytics, Information Systems and Supply Chain at Florida State University’s College of Business. His academic specialty is operations management, and he teaches courses in the MBA and Master of Science in Business Analytics (MS-BA) programs. His current research focuses on clustering and network analysis. He has published papers on these and other topics in Behavior Research Methods, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, Clinical Psychological Science, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Multivariate Behavioral Research, Perception and Psychophysics, Psychological Methods, Psychometrika, Science, and other journals. More recently, he has worked on the development of Excel spreadsheets for business analytics and operations management courses. This work has been published in several pedagogical journals and a recent book titled Linear and Nonlinear Optimization Using Spreadsheets.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in marketing from Florida Atlantic University. His MBA and Ph.D. in information and management sciences are both from Florida State University. Prior to returning to FSU as a faculty member in 1995, he taught at Ithaca College (1990-1991) and DePaul University (1991-1995).
Watts, A. L., Sher, K. J., Heath, A. C., Steinley, D., & Brusco, M. (in press). ‘General addiction liability’ revisited. Clinical Psychological Science.
Brusco, M., Steinley, D., & Watts, A. L. (in press). Clustering methods: To optimize or to not optimize? Psychological Methods.
Brusco, M. J., & Stahl, S. (2025). Linear and Nonlinear Optimization Using Spreadsheets: Examples for Prescriptive, Predictive and Descriptive Analytics. Singapore, World Scientific Publishing.
Brusco, M., Steinley, D., & Watts, A. L. (2024). A comparison of spectral clustering and the walktrap algorithm for community detection in network psychometrics. Psychological Methods., 29 (4), 704-722.
Brusco, M., Watts, A. L., & Steinley, D. (2024). A modified approach to fitting relative importance networks. Psychological Methods, 29 (1), 1-20.
Brusco, M., Steinley, D., & Watts, A. L. (2024). Improving the walktrap algorithm using K-means clustering. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 59 (2), 266-288.
Brusco, M. J., Steinley, D., & Watts, A. L. (2024). A maximal-clique-based set-covering approach to overlapping community detection. Optimization Letters, 18 (6), 1491-1510.
Brusco, M. J., Steinley, D., & Watts, A. L. (2023). A comparison of logistic regression methods for Ising model estimation. Behavior Research Methods, 55 (7), 3566-3584.
Brusco, M. J., Steinley, D., & Watts, A. L. (2023). On the maximization of the modularity index in network psychometrics. Behavior Research Methods, 55 (7), 3549-3565.
Brusco, M. J., & Steinley, D. (2022). A variable neighborhood search heuristic for nonnegative matrix factorization with application to microarray data. Optimization Letters, 16 (1), 153-174.
Brusco, M. J., Steinley, D., & Watts, A. L. (2022). Disentangling relationships in symptom networks using matrix permutation methods. Psychometrika, 87 (1), 133-155.
Brusco, M. J., Cradit, J. D., & Steinley, D. (2021). A comparison of 71 binary similarity coefficients: the effect of base rates. PLoS ONE, 16 (4): e0247751.
Brusco, M. J., Davis-Stober, C. P., & Steinley, D. (2021). Ising formulations of some graph-theoretic problems in psychological research: models and methods. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 102 (June), Article 102536.
Brusco, M., Doreian, P., & Steinley, D. (2021). Deterministic blockmodeling of signed and two-mode networks: a tutorial with psychological examples. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 74 (1), 34-63.
Loeffelman, J., Steinley, D., Boness, C. L., Trull, T. J., Wood, P. K., Brusco, M. J., & Sher, K. J. (2021). Combinatorial optimization of classification decisions: An approach to refine psychiatric diagnoses. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 56 (1), 57-69.
Steinley, D., & Brusco, M. J. (2021). On fixed marginal distributions and psychometric network models. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 56 (2), 329-335.
Brusco, M. J., Cradit, J. D., & Steinley, D. (2020). Combining diversity and dispersion criteria for anticlustering: a bicriterion approach. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 73 (3), 375-396.