B.S, University of Alabama
Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Origins and implications of institutions
Microfoundations of strategy and entrepreneurship
Dr. R. Michael Holmes Jr. is the Jim Moran Professor of Strategic Management in the Department of Management at Florida State University. In addition, Holmes holds a visiting professor appointment at the University of Johannesburg.
Holmes' research focuses on the psychological foundations of strategy and entrepreneurship and the origins of institutions and their implications for management. It has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Strategic Management Journal, among other outlets. Several media outlets have abstracted Holmes' research, and he has presented his work at universities and conferences in more than a dozen countries.
He has taught strategic management and entrepreneurship courses to undergraduate, MBA and doctoral students. Holmes has been nominated for, or has won, several awards for his research, teaching and service. He also serves on the Journal of Management's Editorial Review Board.
Holmes received his B.S. from the University of Alabama and his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University.
Holmes, R. M., & Nickerson, J. A. in press (authorship alphabetical). A crisis of jealousy and despair: A theory of rising political polarization and why managers and business schools should care about it. Strategic Management Review.
Smith, M. B., Wu, I.-H., Holmes, R. M., & Hodge, A. M. in press. An integrative conceptual review of multi-perspective frameworks in personality research and a roadmap for extended applications in organizational psychology. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Wang, G., Devine, R. A., Molina-Sieiro, G., & Holmes, R. M. in press. Strategic leaders and corporate social responsibility: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Management.
Holmes, R. M., Waldman, D. A., Siegel, D. S., & Pepe, J. A. 2022. Declining trust in capitalism: Managerial, research, and public policy implications. Academy of Management Perspectives, 36: 984-1006.
Klein, P. G., Holmes, R. M., Foss, N. J., Terjesen, S. A., & Pepe, J. A. 2022. Capitalism, cronyism, and management scholarship: A call for clarity. Academy of Management Perspectives, 31: 6-29.
Devine, R. A., Holmes, R. M., & Wang, G. 2021. Do executives' aesthetic attributes matter to career and organizational outcomes? A critical review and theoretical integration. The Leadership Quarterly, 101478.
Hitt, M. A., Arregle, J.- L., & Holmes, R. M. 2021. Strategic management theory in a post-pandemic and non-ergodic world. Journal of Management Studies, 58: 257-262.
Holmes, R. M., Hitt, M. A., Perrewé, P. L., Palmer, J. C., & Molina-Sieiro, G. 2021. Building cross-disciplinary bridges in leadership: Integrating top executive personality and leadership theory and research. The Leadership Quarterly, 32: 101490.
Sutton, T., Devine, R. A., Lamont., B. T., & Holmes, R. M. 2021. Resource dependence, uncertainty, and the allocation of corporate political activity across multiple jurisdictions. Academy of Management Journal, 64: 38-62.
Agarwal, R. A., & Holmes, R. M. 2019 (authorship alphabetical). Let's not focus on income inequality. Academy of Management Review, 44: 450-460.
Pryor, C., Holmes, R. M., Webb, J. W., & Liguori, E. W. 2019. Top executive goal orientations' effects on environmental scanning and performance: Differences between founders and non-founders. Journal of Management, 45: 1958-1986.
Wang, G., Holmes, R. M., Devine, R. A., & Bishoff, J. 2018. CEO gender differences in careers and the moderating role of country culture: A meta-analytic investigation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 148: 30-53.
Steinbach, A., Holcomb, T. R., Holmes, R. M., Devers, C. E., & Cannella, A. A. 2017. Top management team incentive heterogeneity, strategic investment behavior, and performance: A contingency theory of incentive alignment. Strategic Management Journal, 38: 1701-1720.