Ph.D., Management Information Systems, University of Arizona
M.S., Management Information Systems, Florida State University
B.S., Management Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
Service Analytics
Service-oriented Computing
Online contact centers
Dr. Noyan Ilk is the chair and Synovus Associate Professor of Business Administration in the Department of Business Analytics, Information Systems and Supply Chain at Florida State University’s College of Business. He also serves as director of the Master of Science in Business Analytics (MS-BA) program. His research addresses analytics problems that are at the intersection of service operations and information systems domains. Specifically, he seeks to develop novel methods and policies to effectively manage service systems in electronic mediums. Ilk has taught courses in business analytics, business intelligence and information systems topics at both undergraduate and graduate levels. His work has been published in journals such as MIS Quarterly, Management Science, Journal of Operations Management, Decision Support Systems, Decision Sciences and Information & Management, among others.
Ilk received his bachelor’s degree in management engineering from Istanbul Technical University, his master’s degree in management information systems from Florida State University and his Ph.D. in management information systems from the University of Arizona.
The Impact of Waiting on Customer Response Delay: Field Evidence from an Online Contact Center (Forthcoming). Journal of Operations Management.
Need for Speed, but How Much Does It Cost? Unpacking the Fee-Speed Relationship in Bitcoin Transactions (Forthcoming). Journal of Operations Management.
Stability of Transaction Fees in Bitcoin: A Supply and Demand Perspective (2021). MIS Quarterly.
Improving Customer Routing in Contact Centers: An Automated Triage Design Based on Text Analytics (2020). Journal of Operations Management.
When More is Less: Field Evidence on Unintended Consequences of Multitasking (2018). Management Science.