Ph.D., Duke University, 1994
M.A., Duke University, 1991
B.A., Michigan, 1986
Insurance Regulation
Health Insurance
Catastrophe Modeling
Dr. Patricia Born is the Midyette Eminent Scholar in Risk Management and Insurance in the Department of Risk Management/Insurance, Real Estate and Legal Studies at Florida State University’s College of Business. She also serves as director of the Ph.D. Program with a major in risk management.
Her research interests include insurance market structure and performance, professional liability, health insurance and the management of catastrophic risks. She has published in leading insurance academic journals, including Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Columbia Business Law Review, and the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. Born is a member of the board of the American Risk and Insurance Association and serves on the editorial board of the Risk Management and Insurance Review and Journal of Insurance Issues. She also serves as chair of the Florida Panhandle District Long Term Care Ombudsman Council.
Born received her bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Michigan and her master’s and doctoral degrees in economics from Duke University.
Born, P. H., Eastman, E., Sirmans, E. T. (2023) Managed Care or Carefully Managed? Management of Underwriting Profitability by Health Insurers. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice 48(1).
Born, P. H., Sirmans, E. T., Steinorth, P. (2022). Health Insurers’ Use of Quality Improvement Expenses to Achieve a Minimum Medical Loss Ratio Requirement. Journal of Risk and Insurance 90(1).
Born, P.H., Cook, A., Sirmans, E. T., Yang, C. (2022) Are Health Insurers in Multiple Lines of Business Less Profitable? An Examination of Scope Economies in Health Insurance. Journal of Risk and Insurance 90(1).
Born, P. H., Bujakowski, D. (2022). Economic Transition and Insurance Market Development: Evidence from Post-Communist European Countries. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 47(1).
Born, P. H., Cole, C. R., Nyce, C. M. (2021). Citizens and the Florida Residential Property Market: How to Return to an Insurer of Last Resort. Journal of Insurance Regulation, 40(6).
Born, P., Montesinos, H., Sirmans, E.T. (2021) Financial Sector Growth and Annuitization: Evidence from the United States. International Review of Financial Consumers, 6.
Born, P. H., Sirmans, T. (2020). Restrictive Rating and Adverse Selection in Health Insurance. Journal of Risk and Insurance.
Born, P. H., Hughen, L., Sirmans, E. Tice (2020). The Impact of Market Power and Economies of Scale on Large Group Health Insurer Profitability. Journal of Insurance Issues, 43(2), 43-63.
Born, P. H. (2019). Genetic Testing in Underwriting: Implications for Life Insurance Markets. Journal of Insurance Regulation 38(5).
Born, P. H., Sirmans, E. Tice (2019). Regret in Health Insurance Post-Purchase Behavior. Risk Management and Insurance Review, 22(2).
Born, P. H. (2018). ACA Exchange Competitiveness in Florida. Risk Management and Insurance Review.
Visiting lecturer at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat (Munich, Germany), Fudan University (Shanghai, PRC), Shanghai Normal University (Shanghai, PRC)
Associate of the Munich Risk and Insurance Center, the FSU Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law and the FSU Institute for Successful Longevity
Courtesy Professor, FSU College of Law
Spencer-Kimball Award (2012) - Journal of Insurance Regulation, National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
Donald Hardigree Best Paper Award - Journal of Insurance Issues, Western Risk and Insurance Association (2005).