Ph.D., Business Administration, Florida State University (2003)
M.A., Military Operational Art and Science, Air University (2004)
M.A., Administrative Science, George Washington University (1997)
B.A., American Studies University, of South Florida (1990)
Human Resource Management
Dr. Randy Blass is a senior lecturer in the Department of Management at Florida State University’s College of Business. He also is a senior research fellow in the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and recently served on the Small Business Administration’s Council on Underserved Communities.
Blass is a 25-year veteran of the United States Air Force, with extensive operational experience in training and development and tactical and strategic planning.
Blass received his bachelor’s degree in American studies from the University of South Florida, his master’s degree in administrative science from George Washington University, his master’s degree in military operational art and science from Air University and his Ph.D in business administration from Florida State University.
Blass, F.R., & Ketchen, D. J. (2014). So, you want to be an entrepreneur? Lessons learned from the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities. Business Horizons, 57, 5-9.
Ferris, G.R., Harris, J.N., Russell, Z.A., Ellen, B.P. III, & Martinez, A.D., & Blass, F.R. (2014). Reputation in the organizational sciences: A multi-level review, construct assessment, and research directions. In M.R. Buckley, A.R. Wheeler, & J.R.B. Halbesleben (Eds.), Research in personnel and human resources management (Vol. 32, pp. 241-303). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Ferris, G.R., Rogers, L.M., Blass, F.R., Hochwarter, W.A. (2009).Interaction of job-limiting pain and political skill on job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour.Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24, 584-608.
Van Iddekinge, C.H., Ferris, G.R., Perrewé, P.L., Perryman, A.A., Blass, F.R., & Heetderks, T.D. (2009). Effects of selection and training on unit-level performance over time: A latent growth modeling approach.Journal of Applied Psychology,94,829-843.
Blickle, G., Schneider P.B., Perrewé, P.L., Blass, F.R., & Ferris, G.R. (2008) The Roles of Self-Disclosure, Modesty, and Self-Monitoring in the Mentoring Relationship: A Longitudinal Multi-Source Investigation.Career Development International, 13 (3). (2009 Outstanding Paper Award by Emerald Publishing Group)
>Blass, F.R., Brouer, R.L., Perrewé, P.L., & Ferris, G.R. (2007) Politics understanding and networking ability as a function of mentoring: The roles of race and gender.Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies,14 (2), 93-103.
Zinko, R., Ferris, G.R., Blass, F.R., & Laird, M.D. (2007). Toward a theory of reputation in organizations. In J.J. Martocchio (Ed.), Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (Vol. 26, pp. 169-209). Oxford, UK: JAI Press/Elsevier Science Ltd.
Blass, F.R., & Ferris, G.R. (2007) The roles of political skill, contextual learning, and adaptation in career effectiveness in military settings.Human Resource Management Journal,46 (1), 5-19.
Hall, A. T., Blass, F. R., Ferris, G. R., & Massengale, R. (2004). Leader reputation and accountability in organizations: Implications for dysfunctional leader behavior.The Leadership Quarterly, 15(4), 515-536.
Ferris, G. R., Blass, F. R., Douglas, C., Kolodinsky, R. W., & Treadway, D. C. (2003). Personal reputation in organizations. In J. Greenberg (Ed.), Organizational behavior: The state of the science (Second edition, pp. 211-246). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Blass, F.R., (2010). Associate Editor. Attitudes Aren’t Free: Thinking Deeply About Diversity in the Armed Forces. Montgomery, AL, Air University Press.
Levy, D.A., Parco, J. E., & Blass, F. R. (2009). The 52nd Floor: Thinking Deeply About Leadership. Montgomery, AL: Enso Books.
Dr. Blass is originally from Clearwater, FL where he married his high school sweetheart. They have four children, all born in different states due to a 25-year career in the United States Air Force. Dr. Blass spends his free time on the golf course, saltwater fishing, and on the parents' side of the soccer field.
- 2009 - Garnet and Gold Key Leadership Honorary Vires Award
- 2009 - Florida State University Undergraduate Teaching Award
- 2008 - Florida Campus Compact Community Engagement Educator Award
- 2000 - Outstanding Educator Award - Air Force Academy award for teaching excellence