Ph.D., Penn State
B.S., Penn State
Capital Markets
Accounting Conservatism
Time-Series Properties of Earnings
Dr. Richard Morton is an associate dean for Academic Operations and the Julian V. Smith Family Professor of Business Administration in the Department of Accounting at Florida State University’s College of Business. At the undergraduate level, he has taught intermediate and introductory financial accounting. He is the recipient of Florida State’s University Undergraduate Teaching Award and is a three-time recipient of the Beta Alpha Psi Faculty of the Year Award. Morton also has taught in the Master of Accounting Program and several research seminars at the doctoral level, as well as served on numerous dissertation committees.
Morton’s research focuses on the capital market implications of financial disclosure and reporting, including the persistence and valuation of earnings, the properties of earnings components and the role of accounting conservatism. His work has been published in The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting and Review of Accounting Studies. He has served as an associate editor for Advances in Accounting and on the editorial advisory and review board of The Accounting Review.
Prior to earning his Ph.D., he worked for several years in public accounting and as a software consultant.
Morton received his B.S. in accounting and Ph.D. in accounting, both from Pennsylvania State University.
Bruce K. Billings James R. Moon, Richard M. Morton and Dana Wallace (2020) "Can Employee Stock Options Contribute to Less Risk‐Taking?" Contemporary Accounting Research, volume 37 (3), pp. 1658–1686.
Allen W. Bathke, Terry W. Mason and Richard M. Morton. (2019) "Investor Overreaction to Earnings Surprises and Post-Earnings-Announcement Reversals," Contemporary Accounting Research, volume 36 (4), pp. 2069-2092.
Bok Baik, Kyonghee Kim, Richard M. Morton and Yongoh Roh (2016) "Analysts' Pre-tax Income Forecasts and the Tax Expense Anomaly," Review of Accounting Studies, volume 21, pp. 559-595.
Bok Baik and Bruce K. Billings, Richard M. Morton. (2008). "Reliability and Transparency of Non-GAAP Disclosures by Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)." The Accounting Review, volume 83, no. 2, pp. 271-301.
Anwer S. Ahmed, Bruce K. Billings, Richard M. Morton and Mary Stanford-Harris. (2002). "The Role of Accounting Conservatism in Mitigating Bondholder-Shareholder Conflicts over Dividend Policy and in Reducing Debt Costs." The Accounting Review, volume 77, no. 4, pp. 867-890.
Bruce K. Billings and Richard M. Morton. (2001). "Book-to-Market Components, Future Security Returns, and Errors in Expected Future Earnings." Journal of Accounting Research, volume 39, no. 2, pp. 197-219.
- Chaired Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation (by Arianna Pinello), awarded by Accounting, Behavior and Organizations Section of the American Accounting Association, 2005.
- University Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2004
- Accounting Faculty of the Year, Awarded by Beta Alpha Psi, 2003, 2005 and 2010.