Ph.D., Washington State University, Pullman, WA
MPhil., The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
BSW (Honors), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Marketing Strategy
Product Innovation Management
Multinational Business Operations
Dr. Ruby (Pui Wan) Lee is the Bob Sasser Professor of Marketing and director of the Dr. Persis E. Rockwood School of Marketing at Florida State University’s College of Business. She also serves as Director of Global Initiatives, managing global student exchanges, faculty-led study aboard programs and the creation of international non-degree seeking student programs.
Over the past 10 years of her career, Lee has received numerous research awards from prestigious organizations such as the Marketing Science Institute, Penn State University's ISBM, and the American Marketing Association, and she has published her work in premier journals such as Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Decision Sciences, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of World Business and Journal of International Marketing, among others. Lee serves on multiple journal editorial boards, including the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of World Business, Journal of International Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management and among others.
Lee received her bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Hong Kong and her master’s degree in marketing from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her Ph.D. is in marketing from Washington State University.
He, Yi, Qimei Chen, Ruby P. Lee, Yonggui Wang, Attila Pohlmann (2017), “Consumers’ Role Performance and Brand Identification: Evidence from a Survey and a Longitudinal Field Experiment,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 38 (May), 1-11. (Lead article)
He, Yi, Qimei Chen, Leona Tam, and Ruby P. Lee (2016) “Managing Sub-Branding Affect Transfer: The Role of Consideration Set Size and Brand Loyalty” Marketing Letters, 27 (1), 103-113.
Wei, Yinghong (Susan), Saeed Samiee, and Ruby P. Lee (2014), “The Influence of Organic Organizational Culture, Market Responsiveness, and Product Strategy on Firm Performance in an Emerging Market,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42 (1), 49-70.
Wei, Yinghong (Susan), Hugh O’Neill, Ruby P. Lee, and Nan Zhou (2013), “The Impact of Innovative Culture on Individual Employees: The Moderating Role of Market Information Sharing,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30 (5), 1027-1041.
Lee, Ruby P. and Kevin Z. Zhou (2012), "Is Product Imitation Good for Firm Performance? An Examination of Product Imitation Types and Contingency Factors," Journal of International Marketing, 20 (3), 1-16. [Lead Article]
Kim, Daekwan and Ruby P. Lee (2010), “Systems Collaboration and Strategic Collaboration: Their Impacts on Supply Chain Responsiveness and Market Performance,” Decision Sciences, 41 (4), 955-981.
Lee, Ruby P. and Jean L. Johnson (2010), “Managing Multiple Facets of Risk in New Product Alliances,” Decision Sciences, 41 (2), 271-300.
Lee, Ruby P. (2010), “Extending the Environment-Strategy-Performance Framework: What Are the Roles of MNC Network Strength, Market Responsiveness, and Product Innovation,” Journal of International Marketing, 18 (4), 58-73.
Lee, Ruby P. and Qimei Chen (2009), “The Immediate Stock Returns on New Product Announcements: The Role of Firm Resources and Size,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26 (1), 97-107.
Lee, Ruby P., Jean L. Johnson, and Rajdeep Grewal (2008), “Understanding the Antecedents of Collateral Learning in New Product Alliances,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 25 (3), 192-200.
Lee, Ruby P., Qimei Chen, Daekwan Kim, and Jean L. Johnson, (2008) “Knowledge Transfer between Multinational Corporations’ Headquarters and Their Subsidiaries: Influences on and Implications for New Product Outcomes,” Journal of International Marketing, 16 (2), 1-31. [Lead Article]
Lee, Ruby P. and Rajdeep Grewal (2004), “Strategic Responses to New Technologies and Their Impact on Firm Performance,” Journal of Marketing, 68 (October), 157-171.
Johnson, L. Jean, Ruby P. Lee, Amit Saini, and Bianca Grohmann (2003), “Market-Focused Strategic Flexibility: Conceptual Advances and an Integrative Model,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31 (1), 74-89.
Ruby is a native Cantonese from Hong Kong. She speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese. While studying at the University of Hong Kong, she was on the women’s basketball team and served as a team captain. She loves sports and occasionally plays table tennis, badminton, and squash. Ruby also enjoys traveling. She backpacked alone to more than ten countries mostly in Eastern Europe before turning twenty-two. As of now, she has been to over 40 countries.
2016-2017 Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair Award, Fulbright Scholar Program, The United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Best Competitive Paper Award, the 19th Meeting for the Consortium for International Marketing Research, Atlanta, GA (2011)
Recipient of the 2008 Tamer S. Cavusgil Award. American Marketing Association Foundation (2009)
Best Paper Award in Business-to-Business Marketing and Interorganizational Issues Track, American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Francisco, CA (2005)
Honorable Mention Award, Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition, Institute for the Study of Business Markets, The Pennsylvania State University (2003)
Honorable Mention Award, “Linking Marketing to Financial Performance and Firm Value” Research Competition, Marketing Science Institute and the Journal of Marketing (2002).