Ph.D. Organizational Science, University of North Carolina, Charlotte (2012)
M.A. Industrial-Organizational Psychology, University of North Carolina, Charlotte (2010)
B.S. Psychology, Cum Laude, University of Georgia (2007)
Employee Well-being and Effectiveness
Work-family interface
HR practices
Dr. Samantha Paustian-Underdahl is the Mary Tilley Bessemer Associate Professor of Business Administration and the Barry & Janice Anderson Director of the FSU Organizational Effectiveness Institute in the Department of Management at Florida State University's College of Business. Her work is dedicated to enhancing employee and organizational well-being and effectiveness. Paustian-Underdahl’s research focuses on the work-family interface, gender, leadership, and HR practices in the context of work and organizations.
Her research is published in premier academic journals, including the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, and the Journal of Organizational Behavior, among others, and she has been presented at international and national conferences. Additionally, Paustian-Underdahl serves as the associate editor for the Journal of Management, on the editorial boards for the Journal of Organizational Behavior and the Journal of Business and Psychology, and is an ad-hoc reviewer for the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, the Academy of Management Journal, and Human Resources Management. In 2020, Paustian-Underdahl was awarded a U.S. Fulbright Scholar's award to conduct research in Dublin, Ireland. She also won the FSU College of Business' Outstanding Junior Faculty Research Award.
Prior to coming to FSU, she was employed at Florida International University (FIU) as an assistant professor of management, where she was named a top scholar in 2015 and received a Best Professor and Best Course Teaching awards by FIU's MBA students in 2017 and 2018.
Paustian-Underdahl received her bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Georgia, and her master's degree in industrial-organizational psychology and her doctoral degree in organizational science from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., Little, L.M., Mandeville, A., Hinojosa, A., & Keyes, A. (In Press). Examining the Role of Maternity Benefit Comparisons and Pregnancy Discrimination in Women's Turnover Decisions. Personnel Psychology.
Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., Palmer, J.C., Halliday, C., & Blass, F.R. (2022). The Role of Stress Mindsets and Coping in Improving the Personal Growth, Engagement, and Health of Small Business Owners. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Hackney, K., Daniels, S., Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., Perrewe, P., Eaton, A., and Mandeville, A. (2021). Examining the effects of Perceived Pregnancy Discrimination on Mother and Baby Health. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Halliday, C., Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., & Fainshmidt, S. (2021). Women on Boards of Directors: A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Roles of Organizational Leadership and National Context for Gender Equality. Journal of Business and Psychology.
Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., Eaton, A. A., Mandeville, A., & Little, L. M. (2019). Pushed out or opting out? Integrating perspectives on gender differences in withdrawal attitudes during pregnancy. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(8), 985-1002.
Frear, K., Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., Heggestad, E. and Walker, L.S. (2019). Gender and Career Success: A Typology and Analysis of Dual Paradigms. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40: 400-416.
Gloor, J. L., Morf, M., Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., & Backes-Gellner, U. (2018). Fix the Game-Not the Dame: Restoring Equity in Leadership Evaluations. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-15.
Little, L.M., Hinojosa, A., Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., & Zipay, K. (2018). Managing the Harmful Effects of Unsupportive Organizations During Pregnancy. The Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(6), 631-643.
Halliday, C.S., Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., Rogelberg, S. Ordonez, Z., & Zhang, H. (2018). Autonomy as a Key Resource for Women in Low Gender Egalitarian Countries: A Cross-Cultural Examination. Human Resource Management, 52(2), 601-615.
Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., King, E., Rogelberg, S., Kulich, C., and Gentry, W. (2017). Perceptions of Supervisor Support: Resolving Paradoxical Patterns across Race and Gender. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 90(3), 436-457.
Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., Fainshmidt, S., Sanchez, J., Misati, E., Zhao, Y. & Zhang, H. (2017). The Role of Economic Development and Growth Opportunities in Employee Reactions to Acquisitions: A Study of the Merger Syndrome across 29 Countries. Group and Organization Management, 42(2), 163-194.
Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., Halbesleben, J.R.B., Carlson, D., and Kacmar, K.M. (2016). The Work-Family Interface and Promotability: Boundary Integration as a Double Edged Sword. The Journal of Management, 42, 4, 960–981.
Paustian-Underdahl, S.C., Walker, L.S., and Woehr, D.J. (2014). Gender and Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness: A Meta-analysis of Contextual Moderators. The Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, 6, 1129-1145.
Paustian-Underdahl, S.C. and Halbesleben, J.R.B. (2014). Examining the Influence of Climate, Supervisor Guidance, and Behavioral Integrity on Work-Family Conflict: A Demands and Resources Approach. The Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 4, 447–463.
Halbesleben, J. R. B., Neveu, J. P., Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., & Westman, M. (2014). Getting to the COR: Understanding the role of resources in conservation of resources theory. The Journal of Management, 40, 5, 1334–1364.
Halbesleben, J.R.B., Wheeler, A.T., and Paustian-Underdahl, S.C. (2013). From Resource Threat to Resource Loss: The Impact of Furloughs on Emotional Exhaustion, Performance, and Recovery Experiences. The Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 3, 492-503.
Outside of work, Dr. Paustian-Underdahl enjoys spending time with her husband and their daughter, traveling, exercising, and enjoying good food with friends. She is originally from Albany, Georgia and is a Georgia Bulldogs fan and alumna.
- FSU College of Business’s Outstanding Junior Faculty Research Award (2020)
- U.S. Fulbright Scholar (Ireland, 2020)
- Best Professor Award in Healthcare MBA program at FIU (Cohort 6) 2018
- Best Course Award in Healthcare MBA program at FIU (Cohort 18) 2018
- Best Course Award in Healthcare MBA program at FIU (Cohort 5) 2017
- Emerald Group Publishing Citations of Excellence Award 2017
- 2015 Saroj Parasuraman Award for the Outstanding Publication on Gender and Diversity