Ph.D., Florida State University
MBA, DePaul University
B.S. Management, St. Francis University
Employee Motivation
Job Stress and Coping
Influence Behavior/Proactivity
Dr. Wayne Hochwarter is the Melvin T. Stith Sr. Professor of Business Administration in the Department of Management at Florida State University's College of Business. He has published more than 100 scientific and applied articles covering a wide range of topics, including employee entitlement, worker engagement, job stress, layoffs, workplace politics, abusive work behaviors, personal accountability, optimism and leadership-focused motivation strategies. In addition, his research has been the subject of discussions in major business/social publications (Business Week, Inc., CIO, The Christian Science Monitor, Computerworld, HR Magazine, Workforce Week, Macleans, Psychology Today), domestic newspapers (Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Orlando Sun-Sentinel), international newspapers (Times of India, China Daily, Daily Mail – UK) and news/radio programs (NPR, Minnesota Public Radio, MSNBC - Insana Show, ABC Evening News, WIOD AM/FM - Miami).
Hochwarter received his bachelor’s degree in management from St. Francis University, his MBA from DePaul University and his doctoral degree in business administration with a major in human resource management and organizational behavior from Florida State University.
Gabriel, A., Koopman, J., Rosen, C., Arnold, J., & Hochwarter, W. (in press). Are coworkers getting into the act? An examination of emotion regulation in coworker exchanges. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Hochwarter, W. (in press). Does empathy make the experience of work politics better or worse? Organizational Dynamics.
Hochwarter, W., Ferris, G., Rosen, C., Ejaz, A., Jordan, S., & Maher, L. (in press) Thirty years and growing: Review and identification of research challenges in perceptions of politics research. Journal of Management (Review Volume).
Hochwarter, W., Kapoutsis, I., Jordan, S., Khan, A., & Babalola, M. (2020). Dyads of politics and the politics of dyads: Implications for leader development. In M. Buckley, J. Halbesleben, & A. Wheeler (Eds.), Research in personnel and human resources management (Vol. 37). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Ellen, B., Kiewitz, C., Garcia, P., & Hochwarter, W. (2019). Dealing with the full-of-self-boss: Interactive effects of supervisor narcissism and subordinate resource management ability on work outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 157, 847-864.
Jordan, S., Wihler, A., Hochwarter, W., & Ferris, G. (2019). The role of grit in human resources theory and research. In M. Buckley, J. Halbesleben, & A. Wheeler (Eds.), Research in personnel and human resources management (pp. 53-88). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Mackey, J., Bishoff, J., Daniels, S., Hochwarter, W., & Ferris, G. (2019). Incivility’s relationship with work outcomes: Enactment as a boundary condition in two samples. Journal of Business Ethics, 155, 513-528.
O’Leary-Kelly, A., Rosen, C., & Hochwarter, W. (2017). Who is deserving and who decides: Entitlement as a work-situated phenomenon. Academy of Management Review, 42, 417- 436.
Wihler, A., Blickle, G., Ellen, B., Hochwarter, W., & Ferris, G. (2017). Personal initiative and job performance evaluations: The role of political skill in opportunity recognition and capitalization. Journal of Management, 43, 1388-1420.
Hochwarter, W. (2014). On the merits of student‐recruited sampling: Opinions a decade in the making. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 87, 27-33.
Rosen, C., & Hochwarter, W. (2014). Looking back and falling further behind: The moderating role of rumination on the relationship between organizational politics and employee attitudes, well-being, and performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124, 177-189.
Hochwarter, W., & Thompson, T. (2012). Mirror, mirror on my boss’s wall: Engaged enactments moderating role on the relationship between perceived narcissistic supervision and work outcomes. Human Relations, 65, 335-366.
Hochwarter. W., Ferris, G., Laird, M., Treadway, D., & Gallagher, V. (2010). Non-linear politics perceptions - work outcome relationships: A three study, five sample investigation. Journal of Management, 36, 740-763.
Munyon, T., Hochwarter, W., Perrewé, P. & Ferris, G. (2010). Optimism and the nonlinear citizenship behavior – job satisfaction relationship in three studies. Journal of Management, 36, 432-447.
Breaux, D., Munyon, T., Hochwarter, W., & Ferris, G. (2009). Politics as a moderator of the accountability job satisfaction relationship: Evidence across three studies. Journal of Management, 35, 307-326.
Hochwarter, W., Ferris, G., Gavin, M., Perrewé, P., Hall, A., & Frink, D. (2007). Political skill as a moderator of the felt accountability - job performance relationship: Longitudinal convergence of mediated moderation results. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 102, 226-239.
Hochwarter, W., Ferris, G., Zinko, R., James, M., & Platt, B. (2007). Reputation as a moderator of the political behavior - work outcomes relationships: A two-study investigation with convergent results. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 567-576.
Brockner, J., Spreitzer, G., Mishra, A., Hochwarter, W., Pepper, L., & Weinberg, J. (2004).
Perceived control as an antidote to the negative effects of layoffs on survivors’ organizational commitment and job performance. Administrative Science Quarterly, 49, 76-100.
Dr. Hochwarter has two incredible sons, Bo and Jacob, who are his pride, joy and brightest lights. Also, he was born on the south side of Chicago, Ill.
Professorial Fellow - Australian Catholic University
Fellow - Southern Management Association
Alumni Achievement Award for Contributions to Science - University of St. Francis