Young Eun Lee

Assistant Professor and Dean's Emerging Scholar
Young Eun Lee
348 RBB
Academic Specialty

• Ph.D Texas A&M University, Mays Business School (2022)
Major: Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management

• M.S. The Pennsylvania State University, School of Labor and Employment Relations
Major: Human Resources and Employment Relations (2017)

• B.B.A. Sogang University
Major: Business Administration (Magna cum laude) (2015)

Areas of Expertise

Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Gender and Diversity Issues

Dr. Young Eun Lee is an assistant professor and Dean's Emerging Scholar in the Department of Management at Florida State University's College of Business. Her research primarily focuses on understanding helping behaviors at work. In particular, she is interested in understanding helping from different perspectives.

Young received her Ph.D. in management (OBHR) from Texas A&M University, M.S. in HRER from the Pennsylvania State University and B.B.A from Sogang University.

Honors and Awards

• HR/RM Track Best Student Paper Award, 2020 Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association (SMA)
• Merit-based Tuition & Graduate Assistantship, Pennsylvania State University. Aug 2015–May 2017