Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
M.A., The University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
B.A., The University of California – Berkeley
Corporate disclosure
Debt Contracting
Information Intermediaries
Zahn Bozanic, Ph.D., is the William Hillison Professor of Accounting at Florida State University. Professor Bozanic earned his doctorate in Business Administration (Accounting) from the Pennsylvania State University, holds an M.A. degree from the University of Michigan, and a B.A. degree from the University of California at Berkeley. His primary research interests are in the areas of corporate disclosure, debt contracting, information intermediaries, and regulation. Professor Bozanic’s research has been published by outlets such as the Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and The Accounting Review. His fraud-related research on corporate disclosure has been featured by The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and CFO.com and has been put into practice by commercial data vendors such as Audit Analytics and Bloomberg. Professor Bozanic teaches Financial Statement Analysis with an emphasis on data analytics in the MAcc Program as well as an accounting research seminar in the Ph.D. Program. When not in the classroom or working on research, you can find him having lunch at the Suwannee Room, exercising at the Leach Rec Center, or spending time with his family on the beach.
“Qualitative Disclosure and Credit Analysts’ Soft Rating Adjustments” with Pepa Kraft and Andrea Tillet. European Accounting Review, 2023, Vol. 32(4), 779-807. [Lead Article]
“Have SFAS 166 and SFAS 167 Improved the Financial Reporting for Securitizations?” with Minkwan Ahn, Sam Bonsall, Yiwei Dou, Gordon Richardson, and Dushyant Vyas. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 2020, Vol. 47(7-8), 821-857. [Lead Article]
“Analyst Contrarianism” with Jing Chen and Michael Jung. Journal of Financial Reporting, 2019, Vol. 4(2), 61-88.
“Securities Law Expertise and Corporate Disclosure” with Preeti Choudhary and Ken Merkley. The Accounting Review, 2019, Vol. 94(4), 141-172.
“Financial Reporting Fraud and Other Forms of Misconduct: A Multidisciplinary Review of the Literature” with Dan Amiram, James Cox, Quentin Dupont, Jon Karpoff, and Richard Sloan. Review of Accounting Studies, 2018, Vol. 23(2), 732-783.
“Corporate Loan Securitization and the Standardization of Financial Covenants” with Maria Loumioti and Florin Vasvari. Journal of Accounting Research, 2018, Vol. 56(1), 45-83.
“Soft Information in Loan Agreements” with Lin Cheng and Tzachi Zach. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 2018, Vol. 33(1), 40-71.
“Management Earnings Forecasts and Other Forward-Looking Statements” with Darren Roulstone and Andy Van Buskirk. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2018, Vol. 65(1), 1-20. [Lead Article]
“SEC Comment Letters and Firm Disclosure” with J. Richard Dietrich and Bret Johnson. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2017, Vol. 36(5), 337-357.
“IRS Attention” with Jeff Hoopes, Jake Thornock, and Brady Williams. Journal of Accounting Research, 2017, Vol. 55(1), 79-114. [Data]
“The Ex-Ante Monitoring Role of Accounting Covenants in Public Debt” Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 2016, Vol. 43(7), 803-829. [Lead Article]
“Financial Statement Errors: Evidence from the Distributional Properties of Financial Statement Numbers” with Dan Amiram and Ethan Rouen. Review of Accounting Studies, 2015, Vol. 20(4), 1540-1593. [Data]
- Winner of the Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award and FARS Mid-Year Meeting Best Paper Award
- Featured in Audit Analytics’ Accounting Quality and Risk Matrix (AQRM) and Bloomberg Terminal’s AQRM App
“Qualitative Disclosure and Changes in Sell-Side Financial Analysts’ Information Environment” with Maya Thevenot. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2015, Vol. 32(4), 1595-1616.
“What Do Management Earnings Forecasts Convey About the Macroeconomy?” with Sam Bonsall and Paul Fischer. Journal of Accounting Research, 2013, Vol. 51(2), 225-266. [Lead Article]
“The Social Constitution of Regulation: The Endogenization of Insider Trading Laws” with Mark Dirsmith and Steve Huddart. Accounting, Organizations, and Society, 2012, Vol. 37(7), 461-481.
“Managerial Motivation and Timing of Open Market Share Repurchases” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2010, Vol. 34(4), 517-531.