Connect with a high-quality candidate
Invest in a new hire who is prepared to work with your team to turn challenges into profitable solutions. Each of our master’s graduates has honed key business skills in our collaborative classroom environments – on campus or online – and is ready to add value to your workplace. Below are our current students, by degree program, who are seeking out new career opportunities.
View By Master's Program
Master of Science in Accounting (MAcc)
Ashley Allard
Kyle Baker
Phillip Bealor
Jacob Billeter
Harvey Bissoo
Brandon Burns
Jessica Carrasco
Jeremy Chaiser
Nathaniel Cohen
Charlie Cuthbertson
Cole Dawkins
Rebecca Dickinson
Arsenio Ferrer
Reid Fleming
Roselle Gainer
Vincent Garcia
Michael Grey
Anthony Hannau
Samantha Hart
Yuwen He
Myles Henderson
John Hoenig
Thomas Johnsen
Dana Landress
Kaitlyn Marlett
Brooke Mason
Zach Maynor
Kayna Mogelnicki
Maria Navarro
Emily Nolan
Kayla Phillips
Jennifer Quadagno
Augustus Rabito
LaQuanta Rosier
Annette Rotunno
Jamiel Shillingford
Zheng Tantai
Nicholas Tyler
Patricia Walker
Yichu Xu
Jiana Zheng
Master of Business in Administration (MBA)
Samantha Albert
Andrew Bennett
Gabriel Breakstone
Dillon Brown
Cameron Browne
Sarah Candiano
Andrea Diaz-Cepeda
William Feijoo
Patrick Reid Fry
Michael Mulholland
David Palazzolo
Madison Poole
Brendan Seaman
Brooke Van Wyk
Master of Science in Finance (MSF)
Alejandro Reyes
Master of Science in Business Analytics (MS-BA)
Fardeen Ahmed
Bryan Cromarty
Marissa Davis
Karla McDaniel
Matthew Rakestraw
Larson Thompson