1. What are your primary responsibilities?

In my current role at Glatfelter Public Practice, I oversee the risk consulting function for a program manager who specializes in the public sector. We have a network of consultants who work with our clients to help them identify and mitigate risk.

2. Why did you choose the online Master of Science in Risk Management and Insurance (MS-RMI) Program at FSU?

Florida State’s Online Master’s Program in Risk Management/Insurance (MS-RMI) has a great reputation and I wanted to continue my education. Also, the online format provided me with the flexibility necessary to continue to work while I pursued the degree.

3. How has the MS-RMI degree helped you in your current position and in achieving your career goals?

Obtaining the degree provided me with opportunities and avenues that I never realized existed. Not only have I enjoyed a successful career, but I also made connections during my time at FSU that will be life-long friendships. Studying under such renowned professors rekindled my passion for education, which has led me down the path of pursuing my doctorate degree.

4. How have you stayed connected to FSU and/or the RMI Program?

I was able to teach as an adjunct professor at Florida State University in Spring 2018 through connections to the program. It was a rewarding experience that allowed me to reconnect to the program and create new connections with our future leaders!


Learn more about the online Master of Science in Risk Management and Insurance (MS-RMI) program and how to apply at business.fsu.edu/MS-RMI.