Ph.D. Information and Operations Management, Texas A&M University (2013)
M.S. Management Information Systems, Texas A&M University (2009)
B.S. Management Information Systems, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2004)
Supply Chain Structure & Integration
Supply Chain Risk & Security
Information and Communication Technology
Retail Operations
Dr. Guanyi Lu is an associate professor and dean's emerging scholar in the Department of Business Analytics, Information Systems and Supply Chain at Florida State University's College of Business. His areas of expertise are retail operations, supply chain structure and integration, supply chain risk and security, and information and communication technology. Lu's research has appeared in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences among others. He serves as an Associate Editor for Journal of Operations Management and Decision Sciences. His service was recognized by the 2018 Best Reviewer Award of Decision Sciences, the 2020 Best Reviewer Award of Journal of Operations Management, and the 2022 Best Associate Editor Award of Journal of Operations Management.
Prior to his academic career, he served as an assistant supply chain manager for a leading Asia-based original equipment manufacturer (OEM).
Lu earned both his master's degree (in MIS) and his Ph.D. (in Operations & Supply Chain Management) from the Mays Business School, Texas A&M University.
Lu, G., Du, R., Peng, X. 2022. The impact of schedule consistency on shift worker productivity: An empirical investigation. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Forthcoming. Available online at: https://doi.org/10.1287/msom.2022.1132.
Guo, X.,* Lu, G.,* Villena, V., Heim, G., Vogel, D. 2022. Supply chain transformation and technology management challenges in developing regions: Inductive theory building from rural Chinese nanostores. Journal of Operations Management 68(5), 454-486 (*: The first two authors contribute to the paper equally, listed alphabetically).
Lu, G., Lee, H., Son, J., 2021. Product variety in local grocery stores: Differential effects on SKU-level sales. Journal of Operations Management 68(1), 33-54.
Lu, G., Ding, X., Peng, D., Chuang, H.H., 2018. Addressing endogeneity in OM research: Recent developments, common problems, and directions for future research. Journal of Operations Management 64, 53-64.
Lu, G., Shang, G. 2017. Impact of supply base structural complexity on financial performance: Roles of visible and not-so-visible characteristics. Journal of Operations Management 53-56, 23-44.
Peng, D., Lu, G. 2017. Exploring the impact of delivery capabilities on customer transaction volume and unit price: evidence from an assembly manufacturing supply chain. Production and Operations Management 26(5), 880-902.