2019 Research Publications
Journal Articles
Agarwal, R., & Holmes Jr, R. M. (2019). Let’s not focus on income inequality. Academy of Management Review, 44(2), 450-460.
Daniels, S. R., & Jordan, S. L. (2019). The Effect of Paternalism on Incivility: Exploring Incivility Climate as an Important Boundary Condition. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 26(2), 190-203.
Ferris, G. R., Ellen III, B. P., McAllister, C. P., & Maher, L. P. (2019). Reorganizing Organizational Politics Research: A Review of the Literature and Identification of Future Research Directions. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 299-323.
Fiorito, J. T., Gallagher, D. G., Russell, Z. A., Thompson, K. W. (in press). Precarious Work, Young Workers, and Union-Related Attitudes: Distrust of Employers, Workplace Collective Efficacy, and Union Efficacy. Labor Studies Journal.
Frear, K., Paustian-Underdahl, S., Halbesleben, J., French, K. (in press). Strategies for Work-Family Management: The Importance of Career-Family Centrality and Gender. Archives of Scientific Psychology.
Frieder, R.E., Ferris, G.R., Perrewé, P.L., Wihler, A., & Brooks, C.D. (2019). Extending the meta-theoretical framework of social/political influence to leadership: Political skill effects on situational appraisals, responses, and evaluations by others. Personnel Psychology, 72(4), 543-569.
Gabriel, A., Koopman, J., Rosen, C., Arnold, J., & Hochwarter, W. (in press). Are coworkers getting into the act? An examination of emotion regulation in coworker exchanges. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Galdino, K., Rezende, S., Lamont, B. T. (2019). Pace of modal shifts in internationalization processes within a firm.Organização & Sociedade, 26, 138-162.
Galdino, K, Rezende, S., Lamont, B. (in press). Market and internationalization knowledge in entrepreneurial internationalization processes. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
Hochwarter, W., Rosen, C., Ferris, G., Jordan, S., Maher, L., Ejaz, A. (2019). Thirty years and growing: Review and identification of research challenges in perceptions of politics research. Journal of Management.
Jordan, S., Ferris, G. R., Lamont, B. T. (2019). A Framework for Understanding the Effects of Anticipatory Justice on Retrospective Perceptions of Human Resource Diversity Policies. Human Resource Management, 29, 386-399.
Kim, M., Kim, A., Newman, J. I., Ferris, G. R., & Perrewé, P. L. (2019). The antecedents and consequences of positive organizational behavior: The role of psychological capital for promoting employee well-being in sport organizations.Sport Management Review, 22(1), 108-125.
King, D., Bauer, F., Wang, Q., Schriber, S., Tarba, S. (in press). What, When and Who: Manager Involvement in Predicting Employee Resistance to Acquisition Integration. Human Resource Management.
Lamont, B. T., Galdino, K., Rezende, S. (in press). Market and internationalization knowledge in the entrepreneurial internationalization process. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research.
Lawong, D., Ferris, G. R., Hochwarter, W., & Maher, L. (2019). Recruiter political skill and organization reputation effects on job applicant attraction in the recruitment process. Career Development International.
Mackey, J. D., Bishoff, J. D., Daniels, S. R., Hochwarter, W. A., Ferris, G. R. (2019). Incivility’s relationship with work outcomes: Enactment as a boundary condition in two samples. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(2), 513-528.
Mackey, J. D., & Perrewé, P. L. (2019). The relationships between hindrance stressors, problem drinking, and somatic complaints at work. Group and Organization Management, 44(4), 807-838.
Mackey, J. D., Roth, P. L., Vaniddekinge, C. H., McFarland, L. A. (2019). A meta-analysis of gender proportionality effects on job performance. Group and Organization Management, 44, 578-610
Mackey, J., McAllister, C., Maher, L., Wang, G. (2019). Supervisors and Subordinates Behaving Badly: A Meta-Analytic Examination of Curvilinear Relationships between Abusive Supervision and Workplace Behaviors. Personnel Psychology, 72, 3-47
McAllister, C. P., & Perrewé, P. L. (2018). About to burst: How state self-regulation affects the enactment of bullying behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics, 153(3), 877-888.
Oja, B. D., Kim, M., Perrewé, P. L., Anagnostopoulos, C. (in press). Authentic Psychological Capital: Improving Creativity and Well-Being. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal.
Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., Eaton, A. A., Mandeville, A., & Little, L. M. (2019). Pushed out or opting out? Integrating perspectives on gender differences in withdrawal attitudes during pregnancy. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(8), 985-1002.
Rousseau, H., Berrone, P., Gelabert, L. (in press). Localizing Sustainable Development Goals: Nonprofit Density and City Sustainability. Academy of Management Discoveries.
Schriber, S., Bauer, F., King, D. (2019). Organizational Resilience in Acquisition Integration – Organizational Antecedents and Contingency Effects of Flexibility and Redundancy. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 68(4), 759-796.
Schriber, S., King, D., Bauer, F. (in press). Deadly Sins and Corporate Acquisitions. Culture and Organization.
Smulowitz, S., Rousseau, H., Bromiley, P. (Accepted). The Behavioral Theory of the (Community-oriented) Firm: Community Orientation and Banks’ Responses to Attainment Discrepancies. Strategic Management Journal.
Steffensen Jr, D. S., Ellen III, B. P., Wang, G., & Ferris, G. R. (2019). Putting the “Management” Back in Human Resource Management: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Journal of Management.
Sutton, T., Devine, R.A., Lamont, B.T., & Holmes, R.M. (Accepted). Resource Dependence, Uncertainty, and the Allocation of Corporate Political Activity across Multiple Jurisdictions. Academy of Management Journal.
Van Iddekinge, C. H., Arnold, J. D., Frieder, R. E., & Roth, P. L. (in press) A meta-analysis of the criterion-related validity of pre-hire work experience. Personnel Psychology.
Wang, G., Van Iddekinge, C. H., Zhang, L., Bishoff, J. (2019). Meta-analytic and Primary Investigations of the Role of Followers in Ratings of Leadership Behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(1), 70-106
Zhu, W. C., He, H. W., Zheng, X. M., Wang, G., Zhang, X. (2019). Ethical leadership with "Moral Person" and "Moral Manager" aspects: Scale refinement and cross-cultural validation. Journal of Business Ethics, 158(2), 547-565
Zorn, M., Sexton, J., Bhussar, M., Lamont, B. T. (2019). Unfinished business: Nested acquisitions, managerial capacity, and firm performance. Journal of Management, 45, 1488-1516
Book Chapters
Heeley, M., King, D. (2019). Collaboration and intellectual property: Strategies for navigating fragmented property rights. Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Collaboration. Oxford UK.
Hochwarter, W. A., Ferris, G., Jordan, S., Maher, L., Russell, Z. (in press). Research methods in organizational politics: Issues, challenges, and opportunities. Research Methods in Human Resources Management.
Jordan, S. L., Wihler, A., Hochwarter, W. A., & Ferris, G. R. (2019). The roles of grit in human resources theory and research. In Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 53-88.
Lamont, B. T., Gordon, J., Sieiro, G., Ellis, K. (2019). M&A advisors: Padding their pockets or source of expertise? InAdvances in Mergers and Acquisitions. NY: Elsevier.
Lamont, B. T., Sieiro, G. (in press). Are your results really robust? In How to Publish in the Best Management Journals (2nd ed.). Edward Elgar.
Meglio, O., King, D. (2019). Family businesses: Building a Merger and Acquisition Research Agenda. In Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions (vol. 18). Emerald Publishing, pp. 83-98.
Perrewé, P. L., Daniels, S. R., Hackney, K. J., & Maher, L. (2019). Pregnancy in the workplace: the role of stigmas, discrimination, and identity management. In Women, Business and Leadership. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Rosenberg, M., Berrone, P., Rousseau, H. (2019). Environmental Sensibility and Firm Strategic Actions: How to Become Sustainable While Avoiding Greenwashing. In General Management in Latin and Ibero American Organizations: A Humanistic Perspective. London: Routledge.