Remote learning introduces students to key business skills

March 31, 2020

Now that Florida State University has moved all learning online, this is a time to apply the skills and experiences that the students will need in the workplace from Day 1. Being able to pivot and leverage the amazing technologies and partnerships we have through the College of Business provides a unique opportunity to show our students how to collaborate remotely and work in a team environment, one that requires each of us to grow and develop our communication skills. Over communicating is always good behavior, and this type of behavior is now critical to being successful in our new world of being remote.

While working remotely, we are seeking opportunities to model on the fly and shift any of our fears or vulnerabilities into positive lessons. In many cases, our students lead the way in social media communications. We can actually partner our knowledge with our students’ expertise to make the best of our shared circumstances.

We are shifting the weekly hours required to travel to work and find parking to focus on planning and communications to engage our classes. While this unexpected situation can seem scary, we set the tone and reassure our students the business of learning will not be impacted. We are still here to support their learning and eventual career paths.

Lance Kerwin, assistant lecturer of business analytics
Areas of expertise: Analytics, leadership and strategic planning