Dr. William T. Hold/The Alliance’s Program in Risk Management and Insurance

Ranked No. 4 by U.S. News & World Report, the Dr. William T. Hold/The Alliance’s Program in Risk Management and Insurance, which is housed in the Department of Risk Management/Insurance, Real Estate and Legal Studies, is one of the oldest and largest programs in the nation, and consistently secures a top spot among the nation's universities. The program's curriculum includes courses in enterprise risk management; lifecycle management; insurer operations and products; data analytics; and employee benefits.

Close interaction among students and faculty members is a hallmark of the program. Alumni have helped to create a strong relationship between the risk management and insurance community and FSU’s program. The RMI Executive Board helps keep the curriculum relevant, provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and offers opportunities for students to network with industry executives.

Degree Options

Risk Management/Insurance Academic Programs

Related Risk Management Programs

Student Opportunities

Students are encouraged to enrich their education through the department’s internships opportunities, as well as the option to earn licenses and designations before graduating which gives students a competitive advantage over other graduates. Networking and leadership opportunities are available through the Gamma Iota Sigma, a student organization, and numerous industry-specific events. Generous scholarships help support students along the way.


The RMI faculty members are widely recognized for their high-quality, ground-breaking research and several are acknowledged worldwide as experts in their fields. In addition to being active in a wide-spectrum of scholarly research, our faculty members maintain a reputation university-wide as being among the most well-respected teachers on campus, according to student evaluations and university commendations. Their research is enhanced through the department’s Risk Management & Insurance Center.