Minor in Business Analytics


The Business Analytics minor offered by the Department of Business Analytics, Information Systems and Supply Chain fits a market need for graduates who are well rounded and particularly strong in their capability to understand the flow of business and bridge the gap between analysis and strategic decision-making. This Business Analytics minor is designed to produce analytically savvy graduates who will be adept at working in interdisciplinary teams in any organization to solve complex business problems.

The Business Analytics minor will provide students with skills in the fields of data mining, business intelligence and analysis. Students will move beyond reviewing statistics to understanding the implications for business and developing actionable intelligence, building on the diverse skills and knowledge gained in their major business curriculum.

Application Procedure

Students interested in pursuing the minor should register their intent to do so at bit.ly/baminor prior to starting the minor. Students are encouraged to begin the minor coursework at least three semesters before graduating. Students need to be fully certified to their primary major before they can apply to the Business Analytics minor.

Minor Requirements

The Business Analytics minor will consist of 12 credit hours. Students interested in pursuing the minor should register their intent to do so with the College of Business Undergraduate Advising office prior to starting the minor. Students are encouraged to begin their minor coursework at least three semesters before graduation.
The Business Analytics minor is open to both College of Business and non-College of Business students. Students are required to complete four 3-hour electives as described below. Only coursework with a grade of "C-" or above will count toward the minor. All courses must be completed at FSU.

Download the Business Analytics minor requirements overview here.

Program of Study



MIS major*

Business Major 
(other than MIS)

Non-Business Major

Complete 4 courses with C- or better
IDC 3931 Special Topics – Supply Chain Analytics

ISM 3540

Big Data

ISM 3541

Introduction to Business Analytics



ISM 4117

Business Intelligence

ISM 4212

Information for Operating Control and Data Management

ISM 4545

Data Analytics and Mining for Business

ISM 4552 Social Media Analytics


Consumer Demand Analytics with Big Data

QMB 4700

Operations Research for Managerial Decisions

*MIS majors may count ISM 4212 and one of the following for both the major and minor: 
ISM 3540, ISM 4117, ISM 4545, ISM 4552, MAR 4524, QMB 4700

 = Courses that satisfy the minor requirement.


  • IDC 3931 - Special Topics - Supply Chain Analytics. This course will examine the role that Business Analytics can play in the context of modern supply chains. We will take a broad, systems-based view of supply chains and look for appropriate leverage points for the application of Analytics tools. In many industries today (think automobiles, computer systems, phones, restaurant chains, retail and many others), success requires an efficient and effective supply chain. In fact it is said that, in these industries, the competition is among supply chains, not individual companies.

  • ISM 3540 - Big Data. This course utilizes a variety of analytics tools and techniques to examine large datasets as an intelligence-providing activity for the purpose of management decision-making.

  • ISM 3541 - Introduction to Business Analytics. This is an introductory course intended to familiarize students with basic business analytics concepts and applications. It will cover the principles of data analytic thinking and provide a solid foundation for data driven decision making in various business and organizational settings. The course will place special emphasis on working through applications and examples of analytics in the real world. It will also present an accessible overview on some of the fundamental techniques (e.g., X, Y) in business analytics.

  • ISM 4117 - Business Intelligence. This course introduces business intelligence as computerized support for managerial decision-making. It concentrates on the theoretical and conceptual foundations of business intelligence as well as on commercial tools and techniques available for effective decision-support.

  • ISM 4212 - Information for Operating Control and Data Management. This course covers the theory, techniques, and applications of information management and control including organizations as information-processing systems and executive support systems.

  • ISM 4545 - Data Analytics and Mining for Business. This course covers the most important data analytics and mining techniques to help corporations acquire knowledge from large data sets. Specifically, it introduces methods such as clustering, classification, association rule mining, etc. through a hands-on approach using specialized software.

  • ISM 4552 – Social Media Analytics. This course is an introduction to the field of social media data analytics with a study of current social media theory concepts, data analytics tools, customer engagement analytics, platforms, and other technologies associated with the analysis of social network data. This course focuses on the application of analytics in business contexts. Students will also understand how to translate these insights into actionable advice for business executives.

  • MAR 4524 - Consumer Demand Analytics with Big Data. This course explores how firms can learn consumer demand from various data sources. It starts with laying a micro-economic foundation for demand analysis. Then, it discusses the various econometric approaches that modern firms use to uncover price elasticity. Last, it extends to several cutting-edge methods deployed to unconventional data types learning demand.

  • QMB 4700 - Operations Research for Managerial Decisions. Recent years have seen an explosion in the amount of data available to businesses. To achieve competitive advantages, companies need to find ways to make sense of this extraordinary amount of data and then use those insights to make better decisions. The field of business analytics has grown to address these needs. Analytics is envisioned as having three perspectives: descriptive, predictive and prescriptive. This course will focus on the prescriptive perspective. We will study many of the mathematical tools available to the decision maker to use the information derived from descriptive and predictive analytics.


Note: At Florida State, minors are not posted on transcripts and are not included on diplomas.