
Broadened policy waives GMAT for top achievers

High-achieving Florida State University business students and alumni have one less hurdle – and expense – in applying for a master’s degree program now that the College of Business has broadened its definition of who is eligible for a GMAT waiver.

FSU research finds troubling disadvantages, including bias, against women in business

Women CEOs in America are paid less, have shorter tenures and their companies are punished in the stock market, even when their firms are just as profitable as those run by men, according to new research from Florida State University.

Annual event provides students one stop for College of Business information

The College of Business will welcome new and returning business students at the 2018 Business Bash featuring corporate recruiters, free food, college swag and a speaker.

Mowitz brothers’ endowment benefits real estate program, students

Kyle and Justin Mowitz credit the College of Business for their significant success in the real estate industry.

College Welcomes New Faculty Members This Fall

A hallmark of a preeminent university is a high-caliber faculty, and recruiting experts in their fields is a priority for the College of Business. This fall, we welcome new faculty members to our college family.

College rolls out new master’s in business analytics to meet demand led by Bush, Shang, and Ilk

Responding to industry demand, the College of Business is launching a one-year Master of Science in Business Analytics (MS-BA) designed to produce graduates who can manage and leverage big data for a company’s benefit.

A Message from the Dean

Today marks the beginning of my fourth year as dean of our college. I want to share answers to the most common questions we receive about Legacy Hall.

New combined pathway streamlines accounting studies

Knowing that accounting students who stay for a master’s degree are better prepared for the CPA exam and career success, Florida State University’s College of Business is making it possible for top accounting majors to get a headstart before they graduate.

Alumna credits Florida State MBA program for her success

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Collaboration. Connections. Confidence. And, the know-how to get things done.

New pathway combines real estate, finance

April 1, 2018 Giving highly qualified undergraduates a jump-start on graduate school, the College of Business has launched a new Combined Bachelor of Science in Real Estate/Master of Science in Finance (BS-RE/MSF) Pathway.