When Jim and Martha Seneff heard that students across the country, including the FSU College of Business’ high-performing James M. Seneff Scholars, were having difficulty finding summer internships or that their offers had been revoked because of COVID-19’s impact, they did not hesitate to devise a solution.
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Home News News
FSU Researchers receive grant to study risk exposure of citizens property insurance corporation
Florida State University’s Florida Catastrophic Storm Risk Management Center with the College of Business has received a $265,696 grant from Citizens Property Insurance Corporation to study its business.
FSU Survey Reveals Covid-19's Impact On Small Business, Nonprofits
A survey of small businesses by Florida State University researchers has found that 15.2 percent of those studied have closed their doors permanently as a result of the COVID-19 shutdown.
New director named for James M. Seneff Honors Program
Luke Hopkins, the assistant chair of the Department of Marketing and an associate lecturer, has been named the new director of the Florida State University College of Business’ highly competitive and prestigious James M. Seneff Honors Program.
FSU waives GMAT requirement for June 1 master’s applicants
Understanding that the COVID-19 pandemic complicates business as usual, Florida State University has dropped its GMAT admission requirement for fall master’s degree applicants.
Not Only Not Good Enough... Maybe Not Good At All: Why Empathy is the Wrong Way to Deal with Office Politics
The novel coronavirus pandemic has assaulted the way people live and work and the impact will be felt for years, according to research by Wayne Hochwarter, the Jim Moran Professor of Management at Florida State University College of Business.
Working, learning remotely is the new norm across campus
Students, faculty and staff members are adjusting to working remotely and practicing social distancing in compliance with efforts to stem the spread of the disease.
New ranking provides another Top 10 standing for real estate
Florida State University’s MBA specialty in real estate ranks among the Top 10 public programs nationwide, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2021 list of “Best Graduate Schools” released today.
Top undergraduates to benefit from more pathways to a graduate degree
More business majors will be able to get a jump-start on an MBA or specialty master’s degree thanks to an expansion of combined pathway options at Florida State University’s College of Business.