In national rankings, the Department of Marketing is among the Top 10 universities for publishing in the Journal of Marketing. The department ranks in the Top 50 among all schools and the Top 25 among public schools for publishing in four premier journals, marking the department’s highest rankings to date. Faculty members are among the most cited worldwide. In addition, faculty members hold multiple editorship or area editorships in highly regarded scholarly marketing journals.
The Department of Marketing has four interconnected areas working on specific research areas of the discipline:
International Marketing
The International Marketing Group focuses on how firms market to consumers and businesses around the world.
Faculty members: Daekwan Kim, Ruby Lee
Editorships and Board Members
- Associate Editor - Decision Sciences (Daekwan Kim)
- Editorial Review Board - Journal of International Marketing (Ruby Lee, Daekwan Kim)
- Editorial Review Board - Thunderbird International Review (Daekwan Kim)
- Editorial Review Board - Industrial Marketing Management (Ruby Lee)
- Editorial Review Board - Journal of Product Innovation Management (Ruby Lee)
- Editorial Review Board - Journal of World Business (Ruby Lee)
- Editorial Review Board - Asian Pacific Journal of Management (Ruby Lee)
- Fulbright Scholar Program (Ruby Lee)
Illustrative Articles
- Yi He, Qimei Chen, Leona Tam, Ruby P. Lee (2016) "Managing Sub-Branding Affect Transfer: The Role of Consideration Set Size and Brand Loyalty," Marketing Letters," 27(1), 103-113, doi: 10.1007/s11002-014-9317-y.
- Ruey-Jer "Bryan" Jean, Ziliang Deng, Daekwan Kim, Xiaohui Yuan (2016) "Assessing Endogeneity Issues in International Marketing Research," International Marketing Review, 33(3), 483-512, doi: 10.1108/IMR-02-2015-0020.
- Jean L. Johnson, Ruby Pui-Wan Lee, Amit Saini, Bianca Grohmann (2003) "Market-Focused Strategic Flexibility: Conceptual Advances and an Integrative Model," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31 (1), 74-89, doi: 10.1177/0092070302238603.
- Rudolf R Sinkovics, Ruey-Jer Bryan Jean, Daekwan Kim (2016) "Advancing the International Marketing Research Agenda with Innovative Methodologies - An Introduction," International Marketing Review, 33(3), 322-326, doi: 10.1108/IMR-03-2016-0071.
Selling and Sales Management
The Selling and Sales Management Group studies the techniques of personal selling and how firms can best manage the sales function.
Faculty member: Leff Bonney
Illustrative Articles
- Christopher R. Plouffe, Willy Bolander, Joseph A. Cote, Bryan Hochstein (2016), "Does the Customer Matter Most? Exploring Strategic Frontline Employees' Influence of Customers, the Internal Business Team, and External Business Partners," Journal of Marketing, 80(1), 106-123 [doi: 10.1509/jm.14.0192]
- Willy Bolander, Cinthia B. Satornino, Douglas E. Hughes, Gerald R. Ferris (2015), "Social Networks Within Sales Organizations: Their Development and Importance for Salesperson Performance," Journal of Marketing, 79(6), 1-16 [doi: 10.1509/jm.14.0444].
Services Marketing
The Services Marketing Group studies service in its various forms.
Faculty members: Michael Brady, Joseph Cronin, Colleen Harmeling, Charles Hofacker and Luke Hopkins
Editorships and Board Members
- Editor (former) - Journal of Service Research (Michael Brady)
- Associate Editor - Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (Michael Brady, Martin Mende, Colleen Harmeling)
- Associate Editor - Journal of Business Research (Joseph Cronin, Charles Hofacker)
- Editorial Review Board - Journal of Marketing (Colleen Harmeling)
- Editorial Review Board - Journal of Service Research (Joseph Cronin, Charles Hofacker)
- Editorial Advisory Board - Journal of Service Theory and Practice (Joseph Cronin, Charles Hofacker)
- Editorial Review Board - Journal of Retailing (Joseph Cronin)
Illustrative Articles
- Harmeling, Colleen, Martin Mende, Maura L. Scott, and Robert Palmatier (2021), “Marketing Through the Eyes of the Stigmatized”, Journal of Marketing Research, 58(2), 223–245 (lead article).
- Michael Giebelhausen, Stacey G. Robinson, Nancy J. Sirianni, and Michael K. Brady (2014), "Touch vs. Tech: When Technology Functions as a Barrier or a Benefit to Service Encounters," Journal of Marketing, 78(4), 113-124 [doi: 10.1509/jm.13.0056].
- Harmeling, Colleen M., Robert W. Palmatier, Mark B. Houston, Mark J. Arnold, and Stephen A. Samaha (2015). "Transformational Relationship Events," Journal of Marketing, 79(5), 39-62 [10.1509/jm.15.0105].
Transformative Consumer Research
The Transformative Consumer Research Group seeks to study consumer behavior with the goal of improving consumers' lives.
Faculty members: Tatiana Fajardo and Meredith Thomas
Recent Articles
- Fajardo, Tatiana M. and Claudia Townsend (2016), "Where You Say It Matters: Why Packages Are a More Believable Source of Product Claims Than Advertisements," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26(3), 426-434 [doi: 10.1016/j.jcps.2015.11.002].
Notable Graduates

Tom Baker (Ph.D. '90)
Culverhouse College of Business
University of Alabama

Corinne Hassler (Ph.D. '19)
Gatton College of Business and Economics
University of Kentucky

Bryan Hochstein (Ph.D. '16)
Culverhouse College of Business
University of Alabama

Stacey Robinson (Ph.D. '11)
Culverhouse College of Business
University of Alabama

Cinthia Beccacece Satornino (Ph.D. '14)
Peter T. Paul College of Business
University of New Hampshire

Gail Ayala Taylor (Ph.D. '95)
Tuck School of Business
Dartmouth College

Clay Voorhees (Ph.D. '06)
Culverhouse College of Business
University of Alabama